What gets your attention?

Is it someone going out of his or her way to help? Is it someone whose work is consistently excellent? Maybe it's someone who needs help. Or a process that just isn't working the way it should. So many of us go about our daily lives and these things catch our attention and then are forgotten. But it's these very things that are so vital to the progress of Andrews University. People need to know if they're making a difference. Andrews needs to know what's working (and what isn't). Whatever it is that gets your attention, we would like you to share it with us. To this end, Andrews University has created SHARE.

The SHARE program at Andrews University is about quality improvement, customer service, and communication. The mission behind the SHARE program is to help all of us focus on the needs of people. With this customer-centered attitude we can be better leaders as we seek to accustom people to high quality service.

To send a compliment or suggestion over the Web, send an eSHARE .

SHARE Boxes are also located around campus in order to convey compliments and suggestions from any concerned individual of Andrews University.

But SHARE doesn't stop there! SHARE is about taking action. It's not enough to suggest improvements. We have to implement these suggestions. There will be periodic training programs conducted in all areas of the university. These programs will focus on customer service, communication and problem solving skills. So be on the lookout for emails and other notices and get ready to SHARE!

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