Ovulation Synchrony
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Title: Socially-Induced Ovulation Synchrony in Colonial Seabirds: Mathematical Models and Field Data
Beginning Date: September, 2010
End Date: August, 2013
Principle Investigators: Shandelle Henson (Mathematics) and James Hayward (Biology)
Hayward, J. L., Henson, S. M., Bove, J., Bove, C., and C. J. Gregory 2013. Seasonal and daily fluctuations in numbers of Glaucous-winged Gulls at a Washington seabird island. In revision.
Payne, B. G., Hayward, J. L., Megna, L. C., Velastegui Chavez, S. R., and S. M. Henson 2013. Temporal dynamics of Galapagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) haulout. In preparation.
McWilliams, K. M., Hayward, J. L., Atkins, G. J., and S. M. Henson 2013. Courtship and copulation in Glaucous-winged Gulls, Larus glaucescens. In preparation.
Megna, L. C., Moncrieff, A. E., Hayward, J. L, and S. M. Henson 2013. Equal reproductive success of phenotypes in the Larus glaucescens-occidentalis complex. In revision.
Burton, D., and S. M. Henson 2013. A note on the onset of synchrony in avian ovulation cycles. In preparation.
Hayward, J. L., Weldon, L. M., Henson, S. M., Megna, L. C., Payne, B. G., and A. E. Moncrieff 2013. Egg cannibalism in seabird colony increases with sea surface temperature. In revision for Condor.
Hayward, J. L., Megna, L. C., Payne, B. G., Velastegui Chavez, S. R., and S. M. Henson 2013. Temporal and environmental effects on the behavior of flightless cormorants. To appear in Wilson Journal of Ornithology.
Cowles, J. D., Henson, S. M., Hayward, J. L., and M. W. Chacko 2013. A mathematical method for predicting harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) haulout and monitoring long-term population trends without telemetry. To appear in Natural Resource Modeling.
McCormick, M. A., Hayward, J. L., and S. M. Henson 2013. Egg mass in Glaucous-winged Gulls (Larus glaucescens) as a function of length and width. Northwestern Naturalist 94:147-150.
Moncrieff, A. E., Megna, L. C., Hayward, J. L., and S. M. Henson 2013. Mating patterns and breeding success in gulls of the Larus glaucescens-occidentalis complex, Protection Island, Washington, USA. Northwestern Naturalist 94:67-75. View Article
Cushing, J. M., and S. M. Henson 2012. Stable bifurcations in semelparous Leslie models. Journal of Biological Dynamics 6:80-102. View Article
Henson, S. M., Weldon, L. M., Hayward, J. L., Greene, D. J., Megna, L. C., and M. C. Serem 2012. Coping behaviour as an adaptation to stress: Post-disturbance preening in colonial seabirds. Journal of Biological Dynamics 6:17-37. View Article
Henson, S. M., Cushing, J. M., and J. L. Hayward 2011. Socially-induced ovulation synchrony and its effect on seabird population dynamics. Journal of Biological Dynamics 5:495-516. View Article
Henson, S. M., Hayward, J. L., Cushing, J. M., and J. G. Galusha 2010. Socially induced synchronization of every-other-day egg laying in a seabird colony. Auk 127:571-580. View Article
Henson, S. M., and J. L. Hayward 2010. The mathematics of animal behavior: an interdisciplinary dialogue. Notices of the American Mathematical Society, November, 57(10):1248-1258. View Article
Hayward, J. L., Galusha, J. G., and S. M. Henson 2010. Foraging behavior of bald eagles at a marine bird colony and seal rookery in Washington. Journal of Raptor Research 44:19-29. View Article