2010 Research at Andrews

Photo: The annual Celebration of Research showcases projects from across campus (Photo by David Steen)

Table of Contents



Many smaller colleges and universities with a history similar to Andrews University’s have had ongoing conversations about the relative importance of creative scholarship/research in their educational mission and goals. In these conversations at Andrews University, research—in its broadest contexts—has focused on creativity and original scholarship. Research has encompassed all of the academic disciplines, from artistic to scientific, widely engaging the University community as a whole...



Secrets of Success: Enhancing student success through educational transformational

Based on exit scores from the mid-90s through 2002, Andrews University biology graduates scored as a group in the top 10 percent of biology departments whose graduates took the nationally normed Major Field Test in biology...


Seabirds and Synchrony: Combining the fields of mathematics and biology

Spending three months on an island that is closed to the public, without electricity or regular hot water, with only the supplies that can be brought over on a boat, would not seem like ideal conditions in which to  pursue groundbreaking research. But for the past eight summers, that is exactly what husband-wife team James Hayward and Shandelle Henson have done...


Drug Abuse Policies and Treatment Efficacy: Advocating prevention and treatment accessibility

Drug abuse and its extensive, negative impacts are pressing problems in today’s society. For most of his career at Andrews University, Duane McBride, director of the Institute for Prevention of Addictions, chair of the Department of Behavioral Sciences and research professor of sociology, has been addressing that problem in his research. In the past, he has researched juvenile delinquency, AIDS infection of IV drug users, the efficacy of state and federal drug legislation, and the role of public health institutions in prevention and treatment programs...


Analyzing Biblical Narrative: Applying common research methods in new ways

“In studying a document that’s 2000 years old, how do you come to new insights? You apply common research methods in new ways.” Tom Shepherd, professor of New Testament in the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, has been involved in such research...



Biosensor Technology: Detecting viruses and genetic disorders

“Engineers are the people who connect science and society,” says Hyun Kwon, assistant professor of engineering and technology, as she describes the philosophy of her current research...


Center for Community Impact Research Formed: Partnering with Grand Rapids and Kent County, Mich.

The Institute for Prevention of Addictions (IPA) has been working to reduce and prevent alcohol and drug dependence through research and education since 1985, and has contributed to a number of socially influential projects...



Piecing Together the Past: Tracing cultural development through objects and figurines

If art reflects culture, it follows that one should be able to trace the development of culture from a region’s art. Rhonda Root, chair of the Departments of Art & Design and Digital media & Photography, Stefanie Elkins, assistant professor of art history, and Brian Manley, assistant professor of art, are trying to do just that—piece together the cultural development of the Transjordan region. Working in conjunction with the Madaba Plains Project and Jordan’s Department of Antiquities, the researchers sketch, document and date each piece of art, from tiny figurines to whole pots...



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Editor: Pat Spangler
Writer: Samantha Snively
Designer: Justin Jeffery
Photographers: Darren Heslop, Martin Lee,
Katelin Mitchell, Dave Sherwin, David Steen