2013 Research at Andrews

Table of Contents


Research at Andrews

The University is not just a place where knowledge is disseminated from professor to student.Rather, it is where inquisitive minds seek out new knowledge and better understanding of ourselves and the world we inhabit, and where this knowledge may be applied for the benefit of others. At Andrews University, research and creative scholarship is core to our academic life...




The Adventist Advantage: The Health Risk Study and Adventist Influence

In 1989, two former Adventists, Malcolm Bull and Keith Lockhart wrote a book called Seeking a Sanctuary, which proposed that the unique subculture of Seventh-day Adventism had successfully replicated the American dream, and had created a world that managed to keep its members protected from many of the risks of the outside world— economic instability, risk behaviors, unemployment and crime. Much of the research currently being conducted in the Department of Behavioral Sciences is coming to a similar conclusion...



One World Tongue: English as a Lingua Franca

What we know as the English language started as a handful of Germanic tribes chatting to each other about a country called Britain that might be a fun spot to invade. Now, Julia Kim, associate professor of English, believes it’s become the lingua franca of the world. English is the language of business, international relations and much of literature. And while English has gone through a number of changes since the invading Germans first spoke it, it continues to intimidate many second-language speakers who fear they may not be understood...


Changing the Face of Disability in Bangladesh

In the lowlands of Bangladesh, six hours away from Dhaka on winding dirt roads, Lori Walton walked into a tiny tin-roofed hut. Inside, “Ayesha,” a woman with a spinal cord injury, lived alone in a room just bigger than her bed. Her tin roof was full of holes, and when it rained, the holes would let in so much water that her bed barely kept her above it...


Exploring the Religious Roots of the First Amendment

Amidst all the recent debate over the U.S. Constitution’s meaning, one thing you often don’t hear is a discussion of the historical context that prompted the Constitution’s authors to write the document and its amendments. One amendment at the center of much controversy is the famous First: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances...”



Rise of the Mutant Zebrafish: Exploring the Genes Behind Disease

In the back of Peter Lyons’ office sits a tank of zebrafish. Tiny black-striped fish from the pet store. Zebrafish are popular pets, especially the ones that glow, but these aren’t family pets...


Artistic License: The Colorful World of Greg Constantine

Greg Constantine is working on a ransom note. A very big one, with very specific demands: Rick DeVos—hand over the $200,000 ArtPrize or else—wait 4 further instructions—come alone 2 my venue with unmarked $20 bills or else—no cops or else—the public will vote 4 me anyhow or else...




Investigating the Eurozone: Policy, Politics and a Fulbright

For a political science professor with an interest in European politics, nothing could be more exciting than traveling to Germany right in the middle of the Eurozone crisis...


Andrews Hosts Human Subjects Research Conference

In November 2012, Andrews University hosted the first Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Human-Subject Researchers, titled “Towards New Horizons in Adventist Research...” 


Siegfried H. Horn Excellence in Research and Creative Scholarship Awards

The 2013 recipients of the Horn award were Øystein LaBianca, Fernando Canale, Winston Craig, and Tevni Grajales Guerra...



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Editor: Pat Spangler
Writer: Samantha Snively
Photographers: Darren Heslop, Karen Hopkins, Marcella Myers, Lori Walton
Production: Integrated Marketing & Communication