The Office of Research and Creative Scholarship at Andrews University is pleased to announce that the Third Annual Andrews Research Conference, "Early Career Researchers and Creative Scholars in the Arts and Humanities," will be held at Andrews University from May 4-8, 2016. Conference sponsors include the North American Division Office of Strategic Planning and Assessment and the General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research.
All Adventist graduate students, post-docs and early career faculty- as well as advanced undergraduate students and recent graduates- in the Arts and Humanities disciplines are welcome. This includes English, History, Political Science, International Languages, Music, and Visual Arts. We are particularly interested in Adventist participants from non-Adventist Universities. Humanities scholars will give a 20-minute oral presentation on their research. Creative writers will give a 30 minute presentation that includes a 10-minute scholarly presentation on their work accompanied by a reading of their original material. Musical artists will give a 30-minute lecture recital that includes a 10-minute scholarly oral presentation on the piece(s) they will perform. Visual Artists (Film, Fine Art, Photography, Design) will give a 20-minute scholarly oral presentation on their artwork and have the opportunity to participate in an exhibition (if applicable). Filmmakers who plan to show part of or all of an original film during their presentation may be given extra time as necessary. See the Call for Papers for more information.
The conference itself will be free for all students and post-docs, as well as early career faculty. Conference meals, double-occupancy lodging, and conference excursions are provided as part of the conference registration. Senior faculty at Adventist institutions pay a small registration fee of $75 to help defray the cost. Participants will need to provide their own transportation to Andrews University.
The submission deadline has been extended to March 1, 2016. Abstracts and additional materials should be submitted on Digital Commons (See Call for Papers). The submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee with notification of acceptance given by the mid-March. Download the Call for Papers by clicking the button below.
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN. The deadline for registration is March 31, 2016.