P-31 Preliminary Study of the Effect of PAMAM Dendrimers on Mushroom Tyrosinase Activity
Andrew Hong (D. David Nowack, Chemistry & Biochemistry)
Traditional polymer chemistry has focused widely on the use of linear polymers; however, the unique properties of highly branched polymers, called dendrimers, exhibit different functional uses as opposed to their linear counterparts. A well characterized enzyme, mushroom tyrosinase, was chosen to investigate the biological function changes, if any, by dendrimers. Our study first evaluated the kinetics of mushroom tyrosinase, then observed and tested its function in the presence of PAMAMs (polyamidodiamines) dendrimers. Tyrosinase assays showed distinct inhibition as the concentration of the dendrimer (PAMAM G1) increased from 0.2 mM to 5 mM. From the analysis of the Lineweaver-Burk plots, the dendrimer had a mixed inhibitory effect on the enzyme, in which it is binding to the enzyme and to the enzyme-substrate complex to inhibit both species simultaneously. Mushroom tyrosinase and dendrimer interactions can be extensively studied as models for other enzymes and allow for further study of the biological applications of dendrimers.
P-32 Mutagenicity Assessment of Potentially Carcinogenic Arginine-Based Heterocyclic Amines
Michael Plantak (Ryan Hayes, Chemistry & Biochemistry)
Undergraduate Research Scholar
Various combinations of burned animal-based amino acids have been documented to show mutagenic characteristics via the Ames test. In our lab, the Ames test was carried out on a compound isolated from a sample of burned phenylalanine and arginine, plant-based amino acids, to test for mutagenicity. The Ames test uses Salmonella TA98, which are dependent on histidine for growth. Mutagenic compounds mutate Salmonella, allowing colonies to grow on nutrient media lacking histidine. Results showed that our isolated compound exhibited mutagenic characteristics similar to a known animal-based heterocyclic amine, PhIP, providing evidence for a new plant-based class of heterocyclic amines.
P-33 Enhanced isolation and recovery of potentially carcinogenic arginine-based heterocyclic amines
Zachary Reichert (Ryan Hayes, Chemistry & Biochemistry)
J.N. Andrews Honors Scholar and Undergraduate Research Scholar
Previous research demonstrates that meat cooked at high temperatures produces heterocyclic amines (HCAs) – a class of carcinogenic molecules – from creatin(in)e and amino acids. However, research performed in our lab, as well as in peer-reviewed literature, suggests that HCAs may be formed in the absence of creatin(in)e using arginine. Arginine is structurally similar to creatin(in)e and can be found abundantly in soy-based food products. Therefore, we have burned arginine and phenylalanine to produce arginine-HCAs in low quantities that require isolation, molecular characterization, and mutagenicity assessment. We now report on how to improve the arginine-HCA recovery from these low-yielding reactions.
P-34 Mechanism Analysis of Copper(II) Ions Interacting with Dimethylaminocyanostilbene
Eui Bin You (Ryan Hayes, Chemistry & Biochemistry)
J.N. Andrews Honors Scholar and Undergraduate Research Scholar
Previous research had suggested that the fluorescence of dimethylaminocyanostilbene (DCS) is selectively quenched by copper(II) ions. This study aimed to elucidate the fluorescence quenching mechanism and to explore its potential application to screen for copper ions in water samples. A spectroscopic Job Plot analysis was used to find the ratio of DCS and copper(II) ion binding. Additionally, DCS was mixed with various buffered metal ion solutions to reveal any ion-dependent and/or pH-dependent fluorescence response. NMR analysis of DCS and various buffered copper(II) solutions was also performed to further study the interaction between copper(II) ions and DCS.
P-35 Locating Gravitational Waves with BayesWave
Belinda Cheeseboro (Tiffany Summerscales, Physics)
Undergraduate Research Scholar
LIGO is the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory. Its mission is to detect gravitational waves that could be caused by the interaction of massive gravitating bodies such as coalescing black holes, in-spiraling neutron stars, etc. BayesWave is an algorithm that can analyze possible gravitational wave event data and determine the properties of candidate events such as sky location. This algorithm uses a combination of Bayesian probability theory and the Reverse Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo (RJMcMC) method to accomplish this goal. BayesWave is able to simultaneously model the gravitational wave signal and the noise by using multi-component models. It uses the RJMcMC to simultaneously perform model selection and fully sample the posterior, to estimate model parameters. This study applies BayesWave to mock events in order to measure its efficacy and compare it with other parameter estimation methods.
P-36 The Theological Motivation of Isaac Newton
Isabel Stafford (Gary Burdick, Physics)
J.N. Andrews Honors Scholar and Issachar Scholar
Isaac Newton, known for his advances in physics, is remembered as a scientist. The lack of religious references in his scientific publications is often seen as a conscientious separation of science from religion. However, Newton was a theologian first and a scientist second, and his motivation for pursuing science came from his religious convictions. The Principia Mathematica was written primarily because of Newton’s theological motivation, not out of a desire to study science for the sake of science. Despite the apparent lack of religion in the Principia Mathematica, it is a deeply religious book that grew out of the theological motivation of its author.
P-37 Nanoparticle Optical Trapping
Rufaro Musvosvi (Hyun Kwon, Engineering & Computer Science)
Undergraduate Research Scholar
Optical trapping is the use of a laser beam, to trap small particles, similarly to using tweezers. A straight beam of light, focused correctly, can provide a force strong enough to control a nanoparticle. The objective of this project is to set up a Modular Optical Trapping Kit for the purposes of research and teaching. The project is split into two main parts. Part one is assembling the Trapping Kit, which includes building a Printed Circuit Board (PCB). Part two is measuring the necessary laser-force for different particles. This is an on-going project.
P-38 The Effect of Stress-Relaxation Cycles on the Electrical Resistance and the Capacitance of Dielectric Electro Active Polymers
Cody Rieger (Boon-Chai Ng, Engineering & Computer Science)
Undergraduate Research Scholar
Dielectric Electro Active Polymers (DEAP) has the potential of converting mechanical energy into useful electrical energy. This material consists of a silicone dielectric film material with a special corrugated surface and a very thin layer of metallic electrodes on both sides of the surface. As these materials allow large mechanical deformations with low operating forces, potential applications include using this material to convert the energy from the ocean waves, and wind. This work examined the capacitance and the electrical resistance to provide useful information in optimizing the electrical properties for specific applications, and to investigate how the electrical properties are affected by electrical and/or mechanical breakdown.
P-39 Modeling mammalian carboxypeptidase O expression patterns with the thirteen-lined ground squirrel (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus)
Christian Bardan (Peter Lyons, Biology)
J.N. Andrews Honors Scholar and Undergraduate Research Scholar
Carboxypeptidase O (CPO) is a protease that cuts acidic amino acids from the carboxyl terminus of a substrate protein. Besides its potential digestive application, not much else is known about its other activities in the body. This study aims to describe the expression pattern of CPO using the thirteen-lined ground squirrel as a model mammalian system. Thus far we have sampled tissue from one ground squirrel and analyzed those samples via Western blot. Immunoreactive bands likely to be CPO (molecular weight approximately 42 kDa) were seen in kidney, liver, and small intestine tissue samples. Further investigation will include immunohistochemical analysis.
P-40 Carboxypeptidase folding mechanisms in the absence of a chaperone-like prodomain
Hazel O. Ezeribe (Peter Lyons, Biology)
Undergraduate Research Scholar
Most carboxypeptidases contain a second domain that functions as an intramolecular chaperone to aid in protein folding. Carboxypeptidase O (CPO), however, is composed of only an enzymatic domain with a short N-terminal extension and a C-terminal signal peptide necessary for membrane attachment via a GPI anchor. To investigate the role of these segments in folding, site-directed mutagenesis was performed. Mutants lacking the GPI signal peptide were expressed at lower levels in HEK293T cells, suggesting a function of this segment as intramolecular chaperone. In order to confirm this role, expression was performed in Sf9 insect cells. Purification and characterization of CPO mutants is ongoing.
P-41 The effect of varying sound intensities on phonotactic selectivity in Female Acheta domesticus
Re’Jeanne Greene (Benjamin Navia, Biology)
Undergraduate Research Scholar
The intensity of the calling songs to which a female cricket Acheta domesticus is most likely to start responding phonotactically has been reported to be around 55dB at a carrier frequency of 4 – 5 kHz. These reports, however, have not shown selective phonotaxis to occur at such low intensities. Preliminary data from behavioral experiments have demonstrated that i) in response to calling songs with intensities above 75dB, females are more likely to exhibit selective phonotaxis in response to a full sequence of calling songs with varying syllable periods (30 – 90 ms); ii) in response to calling songs with intensities below 75 dB the same females are less likely to respond selectively to identical stimuli. By testing all three intensities, 85dB, 75dB, and 60dB, at various syllable periods, we intend to find the threshold intensity at which a female cricket will exhibit selectivity in their phonotactic choices.
P-42 The Effects of Omega-3-Fatty Acids on Intracellular Inositol Levels in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Jee Yeon Lee (Marlene Murray, Biology)
J.N. Andrews Honors Scholar and Undergraduate Research Scholar
Bipolar disorder is a severe and chronic debilitating mental disorder affecting 1-3% of the population. It is ranked sixth worldwide among all medical disorders in years of life lost to death or disability. Omega-3-fatty acids have been shown to relieve symptoms of bipolar disorder and are not associated with the negative side effects of lithium and valproate- two drugs commonly used for treating the disorder. However, the mechanism of action of omega-3-fatty acids remains unknown. In this study, the effects of the omega-3-fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid on growth and intracellular inositol levels were examined. We show that similar to valproate and lithium, docosahexaenoic acid decreases growth of the yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. We also showed that unlike valproate, DHA does not decrease intracellular inositol.
P-43 Spatial analysis of Mayaro virus antibody prevalence outside of Iquitos, Peru
Viktoria Kolpacoff (Kanya Long, Biology)
J.N. Andrews Honors Scholar and Undergraduate Research Scholar
Mayaro virus (MAYV) is an endemic disease, similar to dengue, found in tropical areas of South America. Risk of infection with MAYV is dependent on exposure to the mosquito vector. In 2008, blood samples were collected from voluntary participants from two rural villages outside Iquitos, Peru, and the sera tested for IgG antibody to MAYV. GPS points were plotted for the houses, and using ArcGIS (version 10.2), we conducted a hotspot analysis using the Getis-Ord Gi* statistic, with positive and negative indicating presence or absence of MAYV antibody. We expect that positive values will be clustered near more established forest.
P-44 The Possible Effects of Deleterious Rhizobacterial Combinations on the Growth of the Weed Velvetleaf
Athena Smith (Rob Zdor, Biology)
Undergraduate Research Scholar
The use of biological agents in the control of the invasive weed velvetleaf Abutilon theophrasti is attractive due to this weeds development of herbicide resistance. One option is the utilization of deleterious rhizobacteria with amendments to optimize their effectiveness. Indole acetic acid (IAA)-producing Rhizobium rubi AT3-4RS/6 (RS) and cyanogenic Pseudomonas putida ATH2-1RI/9 (RI) were used to inoculate soil with and without amino acid amendments. RS & tryptophan (a precursor of IAA synthesis) caused the least shoot growth, but there was less root growth with RI than with RS. All roots were colonized by rhizobacteria, on average, 1.40E+10 CFU/gram dry root.
P-45 Man’s search for meaning: The case of Legos revisited
Michael Choi (Harvey Burnett, Behavioral Sciences)
Undergraduate Research Scholar
How do perceived meaning, levels of resilience, and job-rotation affect productivity and labor supply? Answering this question will provide further insight on how manipulating tasks can influence labor supply, motivation, and productivity in almost any field of labor, such as school and the workplace. Further, this study will explore motivation and the “least-common-denominator of meaningfulness that is shared by virtually all compensated activities” (Ariely et. al., 2008). This study is a replication and extension upon Man’s search for meaning: The case of Legos (Ariely et. al., 2008).
P-46 The relationship between health-maintenance preferences and health
Kiara Dillard (Harvey Burnett, Behavioral Sciences)
This study examines the relationship between people’s general health and their health-maintenance practices, specifically, the use of over-the-counter medications (OTCs) and home remedies. These practices are used by many; however, there is still much uncertainty about how these impact one’s health. Subjects for this study are drawn from the Behavioral Sciences Research Participation Pool and will complete an adapted questionnaire taken from the Questionnaire to Document Self-Medicating Behaviours and the SF-36 Health Survey. My hypothesis is that one of these health-maintenance practices will have a stronger relationship with health than the other.
P-47 Adventist Female Clergy Families and Gender Related Biblical Passages
Josias Augusto Flores (Romulus Chelbegean, Behavioral Sciences)
J.N. Andrews Honors Scholar and Undergraduate Research Scholar
Based on both religious prescriptions and cultural norms, for centuries the role of clergy in Christian churches was traditionally assigned to males only. However, following the 1970’s feminist movement, the last few decades allowed room in Adventism for considerably more female pastors. By interviewing separately spouses from marital couples in which the wife is a present or future Adventist clergy, this qualitative study explored participants’ knowledge and interpretation of gender related biblical passages.
P-48 Spousal Distribution of Domestic Chores in Adventist Female Clergy Families
Amante Gonzales (Romulus Chelbegean, Behavioral Sciences)
J.N. Andrews Honors Scholar and Undergraduate Research Scholar
Based on both religious prescriptions and cultural norms, the role of clergy in Christian churches was traditionally assigned exclusively to males. However, following the 1970’s feminist movement, the last few decades allowed room in Adventism for considerably more female pastors. By interviewing separately each one of the spouses, this qualitative study explores the distribution of the domestic chores in marital couples in which the wife is a present or future Adventist clergy.
P-49 Religiosity and Perceived Stress among Conservative Christian College Students
Cooper B. Hodges (Duane McBride and Karl Bailey, Behavioral Sciences)
Undergraduate Research Scholar and Earhart Emerging Scholar
What is the relationship between religiosity and perceived stress among college students? Previous research has suggested that religiosity is a buffer against outside stressors. Our study specifically focused on two forms of religiosity internalization: identified regulation and introjected regulation. Seventy-nine undergraduate students, in attendance at Andrews University, self-reported their perceived stress and religiosity levels as participants in a subject pool. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that identified regulation was a significant predictor of stress perception levels compared to introjected regulation. We conclude that students who have a more internalized religious belief system are more likely to exhibit lower stress levels.
P-50 Demographic, Psycho-Social, and Religious Predictors of Suicide Attempts Among Adolescents of a Conservative Religious Denomination
Isaac Suh (Lionel Matthews and Harvey Burnett, Behavioral Sciences)
Undergraduate Research Scholar
Recent research indicates that suicide is a growing cause of death in our country (CDC, 2010). Over the twelve year period (1999 to 2012), suicide rates increased by a staggering 40%. This is especially evident among adolescents (13-17 years). In spite of this trend, much remains to be known about the variability of this phenomenon across various subcultures. This study examines suicidal ideation and the effect of various demographic, psycho-social, and religious predictors among adolescents of a conservative religious denomination.
P-51 Perforated Tripod Vessels: What they are not, and what they could be
Emily Cancel (Robert Bates, Behavioral Sciences)
Many perforated tripod vessels have been found in the Middle East since the nineteenth century, but their purpose is still unknown. Their unique construction is somewhat characteristic of incense burners, but I disagree with this common conclusion. I acquired two perforated tripod vessels found at Jerusalem from La Sierra University in California, and examined them. The original vessels bear no signs of charring, or other markings that would distinguish it as such. I tested replicas of the vessels in an attempt to recreate them as incense burners, to no avail. Currently, I am testing other hypotheses as to the use of these vessels.
P-52 Historical Function and Origin of the Eye of Horus Amulet Discovered at Tal Hisban
Chris Jenkins (Robert Bates, Behavioral Sciences)
What is the historical function and origin of the Eye of Horus Amulet discovered at Tal Hisban? In the 2014 Excavation of Tal Hisban, an ancient Egyptian Artifact was discovered down in the reservoir that was once used for water. The artifact was later identified to be an Eye of Horus amulet. This was a big find for the season but unfortunately the artifact was found out of context and could not properly be dated. In this study we will be studying multiple sources from different Archaeological works on Egyptian Mythology, religion and jewelry. In the process of dating the artifact we will be looking at color and style in our comparative analysis, to compare our artifact with others that have been discovered in the past, so we can properly date our artifact. I expect to find that the artifact will fall into the time period of the Iron Age.
P-53 Understanding Jalul through Ceramic Analysis
Krystal C. Uzuegbu (Randall Younker, Institute of Archaeology)
Undergraduate Research Scholar
Three-dimensional ceramic scans provide many advantages for research and publication. These 3-D scans can be shared with distant scholars for examination. Using special software, we can convert the 3-D color scans into 2-D computer drawings that represent the cross section of the pottery sherd, which is the standard way in which pottery sherds are presented in publication. Using the program, features that may be overlooked with the naked eye are highlighted, allowing for a more accurate analysis. My presentation will explain how ceramic analysis has aided our overall understanding of the ancient Iron Age site of Jalul, Jordan thus far.
P-55 Gender, Family, and Morality in Ben Jonson’s Volpone
Shanelle Kim (L. Monique Pittman, English)
J.N. Andrews Honors Scholar, Undergraduate Research Scholar, and Earhart Emerging Scholar
Ben Jonson’s Volpone (1606) diagnoses social ills arising from the proto-capitalist culture of his time. The two distinct embodiments of moral good in Jonson’s play, Celia and Bonario, prove ineffective in battling emerging value transformations associated with money; in part, their failure derives from systemic fissures in Early Modern understandings of the family unit and gender roles. My project combines a close reading of Celia and Bonario as dramatized in Jonson’s play alongside a careful analysis of sixteenth-century conduct books that articulate understandings of the family unit and gender roles during a time of proto-capitalist transition.
P-56 New Faculty Onboarding Process
Fonda Mwangi (Rachel Williams-Smith, Communication)
Undergraduate Research Scholar
This action research study seeks to discover how to improve the new faculty onboarding process at Andrews University. Based on a review of the current process and literature, a proposal outlining a revised process was developed and presented to a focus group for review. The feedback collected is being used for revising the proposal, which will then be presented to new faculty participants. Data will be collected and subjected to content and thematic data analysis to answer the research question: “How can the current onboarding process for new faculty be improved for future incoming faculty?” Results will be written up and published.
P-57 Forgiveness Measures within Seventh-day Adventist Interpersonal Relationships
Lindsay White (Patrice Jones and Rachel Williams-Smith, Communication)
Undergraduate Research Scholar
The Forgiveness Measurements within the Seventh-day Adventist interpersonal relationships is researching and describing the forgiveness levels of them, and how they (SDA’s) perceive those around them to be. We have been reading existing articles on forgiveness between genders, age, and people’s relationships between others. Also, the levels of forgiveness depending on situations and past issues/memories of a situation that arise after a certain time. Our expected results for this research will be to see what the forgiveness level is for the Seventh-day Adventists, how forgiving they are and how they perceive others around them to be, based on our survey and readings.
P-58 Calculating Musical Perfection: the Golden Section in J.S Bach’s Violin Sonatas
Richard Clark (Lilianne Doukhan, Music)
The purpose of this research project is to explore the extent to which the golden section appears in Bach’s sonatas for solo violin, BWV 1001 – 1006, and to use statistical analysis to attempt to shed light on whether any such relationships were intentional on the part of the composer. The ideal focal point of each piece will be found by applying period appropriate approximations of the Golden section to the total number of measures. The music in and around the focal point will then be analyzed for climactic or noteworthy occurrences, with any deviations measured and further analyzed for patterns.
P-59 The Seven Liberal Arts and their Relevancy in Music Education Today
Jonathan Doram (Lilianne Doukhan, Music)
J.N. Andrews Honors Scholar
Since Greek and Roman ideas and thought laid the foundation for many disciplines in Western civilization, I decided to explore their philosophies on education and music. The seven liberal arts, founded by the Greeks and Romans, set the standard of education for many centuries. Much of Western music theory, language, vocabulary, and techniques are indebted to discoveries made by the Ancients and the monasteries in the Middle Ages. Using primary and secondary sources, I propose to explore possible modern implications of these learning systems. As a music education major, I hope to use this information in innovative and creative ways in a classroom setting.
P-60 Let All the People Praise Thee: Early Lutheran Chorales and the Priesthood of All Believers
WayAnne Watson (Lilianne Doukhan, Music)
J.N. Andrews Honors Scholar, Undergraduate Research Scholar, and Earhart Emerging Scholar
Martin Luther articulated his belief in the priesthood of all believers through both word and music. His chorales reflect his desire for direct congregational participation in the worship service, leading to personal experiences of justification by faith when people met their true High Priest without an earthly mediator. Luther used the chorale as a tool for teaching theology and an occasion of an individual encounter with God. I demonstrate the chorale’s role as a tool for understanding and experiencing justification by faith, by studying the theme of joy in selected examples from the hymnody of Luther and his contemporaries.
P-61 The Dual Legacy of Jonathan Edwards’s Conception of the “Union with Christ” Motif
Aldar Nommik (Ante Jeroncic, Religion & Biblical Languages)
Undergraduate Research Scholar
In his treatise “Justification by Faith Alone” (1738), Jonathan Edwards posits the concept of “union with Christ” as a central theological motif in his conceptualization of salvation. What is absent from this treatise, but present in his other writings however, is a clear delineation of the nature of such integral union of the believer with Christ. This research presents that Jonathan Edwards’s overall understanding of the nature of the union with Christ seems to be incompatible with the Reformed understanding of justification by faith that he set out to defend in “Justification by Faith Alone”.