Lora Filipova (Desmond Murray), Synthesis of mixed acylals via mixed anhydrides
Sarah Gane (Randall Younker), Pottery reconstruction, 3D scanning and analysis
Jermaine Henry (Herbert Helm), Generational Differences in Mate Selection Characteristics
Davina Johnson (Desmond Murray), Synthesis of genomic stilbenes
Jonathan Koch (Marcella Myers), “Teaching the ‘Other’ in Immigration” in The Other People: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration for the 21st Century
Arianna Lashley (Karl Bailey), Religion and Free Will: Restoration after Ego Depletion
Steven Lee (John Stout), Comparisons on the Response of the Omega Neuron 1 to Male Calling Songs between Virgin and Colonized Female Acheta domesticus
Sarah Lee (Curt VanderWaal), Evaluation of Christian Record Products and Services for the Visually Impaired, View Thesis
James Lynch (Ryan Hayes), Isolation and Identification of Arginine-Based Heterocyclic Amines
James Magbanua (Hyun Kwon), Bifunctional chemical linker synthesis and characterization
Shelley McLarty (James Hayward), Taphonomic effects of burning on avian eggshell, View Thesis
Amy Nadane (Robert Zdor), Bacterial growth & IAA production in velvetleaf root exudates, View Thesis
Sheree Occenad (John Stout), Response Properties of the Omega 1 Auditory Neuron in Female Crickets Raised with Males
Autumn Pelkey (Lionel Matthews), Religious and Social-psychological outcomes of Nature Interaction
Chelsea Powell (Duane McBride), The role of clergy in providing access to mental health services for congregants
Zechariah Ray (Constance Gane), Drawings of Mischwesen from the Neo-Babylonian Period
Tanner Williams (Boon-Chai Ng), Evaluating the mechanical properties of Dielectric Electro Active Polymer (DEAP)