Johnny Ahn (Gordon Atkins, Biology), Evaluating light and photoperiod on the control of phonotactic selectivity in crickets
Kristen Bishop (Karl Bailey, Behavioral Sciences), Ego Depletion and Visual Executive Function Tasks
Esther Cha (Gordon Atkins, Biology), Evaluating the role of PKC in the control of phonotactic selectivity in crickets, View Thesis
Allie Chacko (Tom Goodwin, Biology), Seasonal variation in stable isotopic composition of fecal pellets of thirteen-lined ground squirrels as a measure of seasonal variation in diet, View Thesis
Lindsey Dever (Harvey Burnett, Behavioral Sciences), Expressive writing and its relationship to resilience and traumatic experiences, View Thesis
Elizabeth Glover (Kathryn Silva Banks, History & Political Science), African American experience in the southern textile industry: from Jim Crow to Black Power
Eliana Iller (Melissa Ponce-Rodas, Behavioral Sciences), How does educational attainment relate to church involvement and definitions of domestic violence?
Davina Johnson (Desmond Murray, Chemistry), Calcium Oxide Nanoparticles for Organic Synthesis
Madelyn Mauch (Peter Pribis, Nutrition & Wellness), Foods consumption and physical development of Teens? A Cross-Sectional Study
Autumn Pelkey (Lionel Matthews, Behavioral Sciences), Religious and Social-psychological outcomes of Nature Interaction
Tyler Pender (Ryan Hayes, Chemistry), Isolation and identification of carcinogenic argininebased heterocyclic amines, View Thesis
Robert Polski (Hyun Kwon, Engineering & Computer Science), Characterization of adenylin rhodanine deriviates as bifunctional linker to metal and metal oxid