Fall 2012 URS

  • Johnny Ahn (Gordon Atkins, Biology), Evaluating light and photoperiod on the control of phonotactic selectivity in crickets
  • Kristen Bishop (Karl Bailey, Behavioral Sciences), Ego Depletion and Visual Executive Function Tasks
  • Esther Cha (Gordon Atkins, Biology), Evaluating the role of PKC in the control of phonotactic selectivity in crickets, View Thesis
  • Allie Chacko (Tom Goodwin, Biology), Seasonal variation in stable isotopic composition of fecal pellets of thirteen-lined ground squirrels as a measure of seasonal variation in diet, View Thesis
  • Lindsey Dever (Harvey Burnett, Behavioral Sciences), Expressive writing and its relationship to resilience and traumatic experiences, View Thesis
  • Erica Evans (Ryan Hayes, Chemistry), On-Off Fluorescent Copper Sensor using Dimethylaminocyanostilbene, View Thesis
  • Elizabeth Glover (Kathryn Silva Banks, History & Political Science), African American experience in the southern textile industry: from Jim Crow to Black Power
  • Eliana Iller (Melissa Ponce-Rodas, Behavioral Sciences), How does educational attainment relate to church involvement and definitions of domestic violence?
  • Davina Johnson (Desmond Murray, Chemistry), Calcium Oxide Nanoparticles for Organic Synthesis
  • Madelyn Mauch (Peter Pribis, Nutrition & Wellness), Foods consumption and physical development of Teens? A Cross-Sectional Study
  • Autumn Pelkey (Lionel Matthews, Behavioral Sciences), Religious and Social-psychological outcomes of Nature Interaction
  • Tyler Pender (Ryan Hayes, Chemistry), Isolation and identification of carcinogenic argininebased heterocyclic amines, View Thesis
  • Robert Polski (Hyun Kwon, Engineering & Computer Science), Characterization of adenylin rhodanine deriviates as bifunctional linker to metal and metal oxid