May 10, 2006 Samuel Chong (BS Physics 2004) stopped by the department on May 8, 2006 (right after graduation) and visited with the Chair, Margarita Mattingly. He has been working as the Principle Lab Assistant at the Loma Linda School of Medicine, Department of Perinatal Biology. In this position, he is currently involved in researching the primary neuronal culture of fetuses. The project includes the purchase ($800,000 per year) of sheep that they subsequently impregnate and move to high altitudes. Later the fetuses are extracted to study the effects of high altitude on fetal development. This project is funded by the NIH. Previously, Sam worked for the RadioBiology Department, analyzing Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans of rats, mice and dogs in studies of brain cancer and trauma. He is currently entertaining the idea of moving into the biotech industry.