John Reeve
David Sedlacek
9:00 am Samuel Pagán De Jesús
Adventism in the Shadow of Fundamentalism
9:30 am Rodrigo Galiza
Eschatological Developments Related to the New Jerusalem in Light of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
10:00 am Eunyeong Ma
The Reaction of the Early Seventh-day Adventists to the Sunday Law Movement Before 1888
10:30 am Poster Session Break
11:00 am Stanley Lebrun
Tracing the Kingly Pattern: How a King Becomes a Legend
11:30 am Michael Orellana
Syncretism in the Cult to Ishtar
12:00 pm Edmilson A. Villalba
Application Deuteronomy 21:18–21 to Modern Parenting