InMinistry Master of Divinity

A Master of Divinity requires on-campus residency, but the InMinistry MDiv option allows students to experience work-embedded theological education prior to their arrival on the Andrews campus. Pre-requisites such as placement tests and language proficiency are delayed until the on-campus residency. Finally, the InMinistry MDiv provides up to 1/3 of the MDiv program via ‘live’ intensives and distance learning courses over three years.

Unique InMinistry advantages:
  • Take classes for up to three years before moving to campus
  • New InMinistry MDiv cohorts begin each year 
  • Immediately applicable coursework
  • Classmates sharing exposure and experience in actual ministry praxis
  • Post-class projects customized to your actual ministry context
  • Grading is primarily portfolio-driven rather than by exams
  • Each teaching module (two classes) focuses around major developmental themes:
    • Module #1: Foundations for Formation
    • Module #2: Formation that Grounds
    • Module #3: Formation that Connects
    • Module #4: Formation for Identity
    • Module #5: Formation through Leadership
    • Module #6: Formation beyond Boundaries
  • Coursework is contextualized. While you should expect an advanced theological degree to include extensive reading and writing, presenters concentrate on relating class subject matter to your unique setting.
  • Post-class portfolios, where required, are evaluated for completeness including: steps toward implementation, personal reaction and reflection, and thoroughness of process, taking into consideration time, place, position, and receptivity.
  • InMinistry learning is collegial. We place a high premium on group cohesiveness, interaction, learning and support. Your cohort may be your lifeline both now and for years to come. Treasure their uniqueness and commitment to the call of ministry.
  • Post-class contact between teacher and seminarian is expected to maintain a sense of familiarity and helpfulness in answering questions, as well as keeping accountability and interest level high. It is expected that teachers will occasionally include phone contact to supplement electronic communication.
  • Course syllabi, though slightly modified at class time, are included on this website to offer preliminary information as a handy reference for students, mentor and employers.
  • InMinistry MDiv classes occur face-to-face at Andrews University in July and via distance learning during spring semester (January-April).
  • Students may opt to begin their on-campus residency at any time during the InMinistry MDiv delivery. 

Self-motivated Learning:

InMinistry is a vast departure from traditional classroom learning models, with motivation arising from the context of actual ministry application rather than from competition from other students. This means you and your ministry setting ARE the driving force in your own learning. We encourage participants to:

  • Expect Challenge: InMinistry students experience unique challenges relating to time management, priorities, punctuality, and conflicting expectations.
  • Recognize Your Position: There may be differences in priority expectation between being an Associate, and being THE pastor of a church(es).
  • Don't Wait: Procrastinating on your InMinistry coursework will result in compounding stress and frustration.
  • Learn to Multi-task: a key of ministry reality
  • Communicate! Stay in touch with fellow travelers and professors.
  • Expect Flexibility: of yourself and InMinistry
  • Solve Problems: Commit to resolving questions and confusion ASAP!