InMinistry MAPMin Class

THST647 - Human Nature and Destiny

Professor: Davide Sciarabba
Date: March 18-22, 2012
Location: Southwestern Adventist University - Chan Shun Hall Library

We will study the origin of humanity, the fall, and sin - its nature and effect, the nature of man, the doctrine of immortality. Man and woman as the image of God. The Christian message confronts the world with the image of a true human identity.  It is not a negative self annihilating message of Eastern mysticism, nor a utopia of liberalism.  A human being is a priceless speck of dust of the ground, made in the image of God; a blade of grass whom God cherishes as the apple of His eye (Deuteronomy 32:10).  But humans are rebels, slaves to themselves and their consequences.  The story of the liberation of humans from themselves is the story of redemption.


Class Resources

Video Course Overview


Student List
  • Jonathan Belew
  • C. Damon Snead
  • Sang Oh
  • Stephen Brooks