NTST 567 Theology the English New Testament: 1st & 2nd Corinthians
Professor: Larry Richards
Date: November 2-6, 2014
Location: Southeastern California Conference Office, Riverside, California
Course Description:
The course covers 1st and 2nd Corinthians, with major emphasis on 1st Corinthians. The approach: (1) treats 1—2 Corinthians as pastoral letters, not theological essays, from which, however, theology emerges and (2) emphasizes the original setting of each letter in order to draw lessons for today’s ministry that are both practical and accurate to the pastoral intent of that original setting. “The Bible was given for practical purposes” –1 SM 20.
Course Resources:
Reservation Form (The reservation period is now closed for this session).
Location Information
Due to the out-of print status of the textbooks for this class, a special print order is being processed and a copy of the textbooks will be mailed to each student on the attendee list below. Each book costs $15 plus a shipping charge of $5 with a total cost of $35.00. Students should plan to pay Dr. Richards directly on the first day of class, otherwise your student account will be billed and a monthly carry charge calculated. Thank you for your patience, your books should arrive not later than October 10, 2014. If you have secured a copy and do not wish to purchase, please send an email to inministry@andrews.edu.
Student Attendee List: