M.A. in Pastoral Ministry

NTST 536 Readings in the New Testament Gospels: Luke








Professor: Larry Richards
Date: October 4-8, 2015
Location: Southeastern California Conference Office, Riverside California

Course Description:

The course covers the Gospel of Luke with relevant passages from the Book of Acts.  The approach: (1) treats Luke as a pastoral letter, not a collection of theological essays, from which, however, theology exists and (2) emphasizes the original setting of gospel in order to draw lessons for today’s ministry that are both practical and accurate to the pastoral intent of that original setting. “The Bible was given for practical purposes” –1 SM 20.

Class Resources:
Reservation Form (The reservation period is now closed for this class. Thank you)
Course Syllabus
Location Information          

Study Materials:

  1. Exegesis Procedures for Courses in English      
  2. Parable of the Two Sons Handout
  3. Study Questions for Luke Handout           

Student Attendee List:

  1. Ira Barksdale, Jr
  2. Shawna Campbell
  3. Germeen Fargo
  4. Stew Harty
  5. Jonathan Hayasaka
  6. Kelly Kessinger
  7. Jorge Larrondo
  8. Enoch Lee
  9. Timothy D. Lee
  10. Victor Martinez Ortega
  11. Tim McMillen
  12. Elbert Moralde
  13. David Pikop
  14. Elizer Sacay
  15. Sukho Shon
  16. Adam Ramdin
  17. Joelle Reuer
  18. Peter Thomas
  19. Philip Tse
  20. Jennifer Woody