Post-Retirement Service

Answers to Your Questions About Retirement

QIs it possible to continue in the employment of the Seventh-day Adventist church after being admitted to the Retirement Plan? (X 45 35)
AYes. Retirees may be employed by the church on a part-time basis without the loss of retirement benefits. Employment by a participating employer on a full-time basis renders the participant ineligible to receive benefits from the Plan. Benefits may be reinstated when the employee ceases full-time employment again. Employees who attained age seventy and one-half between January 1, 1988 and December 31, 1997 are eligible to receive retirement benefits, even if they are working full time for a participating employer. (Note: The part-time limit is only effective for retirees hired by a participating employer.) There is no Plan limit for a retired employee who works for Wal-Mart, Dupont or an overseas Adventist employer. Further, the part-time limit is a time-limit not a dollar limit. An employer who simply pays a retiree less than full-time with a reasonable expectation of full-time employment is in violation of this policy and possibly of state wage and hour laws.

QAre ministerial credentials issued to retirees?
AYes. Retired ministers who wish to receive honorary credentials and have their name appear in the Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook should submit their request to the executive secretary of the conference in which they reside and maintain their church membership. Honorary credentials are issued by the Union Conference, not by the Plan.