Andrews University is part of an international network of 113 colleges and universities owned and operated by the Seventh-day Adventist church. Use this page to tour all the associate degrees currently available through Adventist institutions in North America. In each row, the first link gets you to specific program information; the second takes you to the institution's homepage with much more information about this excellent Christian education option for your first two years of college!
AS Art - UAU
AS Commercial Art - OU
AT Construction Management - SAU
AS Graphic Design - WWU
AS Graphic Design - SAU
AS Graphic Design - PUC
AS Graphic Design - UAU
AS Media Technology - SAU
AS Photo & Video Imaging - UAU
AS Photography - AU
AS Photography - OU
AS Photography - PUC
AS Film and Television - PUC
AS Rescue & Relief/Allied Health - UAU
AS Pre-Dental Hygiene - WWU
AS Allied Health Pre-Dental Hygiene - SAU
AS Pre-Dental Hygiene - PUC
AS Pre-Nutrition and Dietetics - WWU
AS Allied Health Pre-Nutrition & Dietetics - SAU
AS Pre-Physical Therapy - WWU
AS Allied Health Pre-Physical Therapy - SAU
AS Pre-Physical Therapy Assistant - PUC
AS Occupational Therapy Assistant - AHU
AS Pre-Professional Studies - AHU
AS Pre-Medical Radiography - PUC
AS Nuclear Medicine Technology - KC
AS Radiologic Technology - KC
AS Radiologic Technology - WAU
AS Radiography - AHU
AS Diagnostic Medical Sonography - AHU
As Pre-Speech Language Pathology - OU
AS Allied Health Pre-Speech Language Pathology & Audiology - SAU
AS Pre-Speech Language Pathology & Audiology - WWU
AHU = Advent Health University
AU = Andrews University
KC = Kettering College of Medical Arts
OU = Oakwood University
PUC = Pacific Union College
SAU = Southern Adventist University
SWAU = Southwestern Adventist University
UAU = Union Adventist University
WWU = Walla Walla University
WAU = Washington Adventist University