
The following information is also contained in our printable Grade Quicksheet PDF.

Online Grade Submission

The online grade submission website is open at the end of the semester for grade submissions. You will receive an e-mail notification which will include the dates and steps for submission.

Deadline for Grades: Wednesday after the last day of classes.

Please Note
Once you submit the grades you can no longer make any changes to them online. Use “Store Working Copy” until you are certain that you want to submit them.

  1. Go to
  2. Click Registrar
  3. Click Grade Submission. If prompted, login using your Andrews username and password
  4. Click on Submit Grades
  5. From the drop-down menu, select a class you wish to submit grades for
  6. Select grade for each student (*Incompletes - see below)
  7. Click Store Working Copy of Grades or Submit Final Final Copy of Grades**
  8. Click View Submitted Grades if you wish to view the grades you have submitted. All courses appearing on your list have students enrolled and require a grade. Once you have submitted final grades for a given class, the class will disappear from the list.

* Incompletes:

  • An Incomplete (I) can be assigned only if the following stipulations are met (Note: Students will be charged an incomplete fee for each incomplete grade issued):
    • when the major portion (approximately 70%) of the work for the course has been completed;
    • the student’s work is incomplete because of illness or unavoidable circumstances (incompletes cannot be assigned because of negligence or inferior performance);
    • and the student will earn a passing grade if no additional work is submitted (see minimum grade requirements for ACE, major/minor/cognates, graduate courses).
  • Fee amount can be found in the current bulletin.
  • If you enter an incomplete for a student and attempt to submit final grades, the website will prompt you to complete an online incomplete contract if you have not already done so. After entering the information for the incomplete contract, you MUST click on "Submit Final Final Grades" again.
  • Ordinarily, Incompletes should be resolved prior to the beginning of the next term. However, an I contracted in the spring semester may be extended to the autumn semester. Any request for an extension of time beyond the contracted time shall be made in writing before the end of the contracted date and approved by the dean of the college in which the course is offered. The number of I’s on a student’s record affects the student’s class and workload.

**Click "Store Working Copy" or "Submit Final Final Grades"

  • Remember that once you submit the grades you can no longer make any changes to them.  We suggest that you use "Store Working Copy" until you are certain that you want to submit them.

Standard Grading Options for Courses

With the removal of the DG grade option from most course types (excluding those course types approved for DG), the following grade options would include letter grade (A-F), pass/fail (S/U), incomplete (I) or withdrawal (W).  Instructors are encouraged to submit the grade the student earned.

Registration Deadline
10th day of a full semester or 15% of duration for an open learning course (link to academic calendar).

Students can drop a course without a W grade on the transcript (without entry on permanent academic record).

Students may choose to change from credit to audit. Faculty will assign an AU or UA grade for classes which allow for an audit.

Withdrawal Timeframe
11th day of a full semester through 65% of the academic term (for open learning classes: 15%+ duration through 65% duration).
Students who drop a course during the withdrawal timeframe will automatically receive a W grade on the transcript.
End of Semester

Faculty submit grades earned by student based on the grades available (A-F and/or S,U) for the course.

An incomplete (I) can be assigned only if the following stipulations are met:

  • when the major portion (70%) of the work for the course has been completed;
  • the student’s work is incomplete because of illness or unavoidable circumstances;
  • and the student will earn a passing grade if no additional work is submitted (see minimum grade requirements for ACE, major/minor/cognates, graduate courses).

Note: Incompletes cannot be assigned because of negligence or inferior performance.

Note: Students will be charged an incomplete fee for each incomplete grade issued. Faculty must submit an incomplete contract.

Repeat Course in a Subsequent Semester Students may repeat a course in which they receive an unsatisfactory grade.

Deferred Grades and Incomplete Grades

DG (Deferred Grade)

A DG may be given in certain courses recognized to be of such a nature that all the requirements are not likely to be completed within one semester. It may be given for practicums (clinical/fieldwork experiences, internships) and courses requiring research such as theses and dissertations.

All DGs are required to be cleared before a student can graduate, unless they are DGs earned in another currently enrolled degree. An instructor may change the DG to a letter grade (A-F), S/U or DN (Deferred and Not Completable) as appropriate.

DN (Deferred and Not Completable)

A DN indicates the course has not been completed and no longer can be completed because time has run out.

Incomplete Grade

An incomplete (I) can be assigned only if the following stipulations are met (Note: Students will be charged an incomplete fee for each incomplete grade issued):

  • when the major portion (70%) of the work for the course has been completed;
  • the student’s work is incomplete because of illness or unavoidable circumstances;
  • and the student will earn a passing grade if no additional work is submitted (see minimum grade requirements for ACE, major/minor/cognates, graduate courses).

Incompletes cannot be assigned because of negligence or inferior performance.

Faculty must submit an incomplete contract which states:

  1. The remaining work to be completed
  2. A plan with timelines for completion of the work
  3. The time limit
  4. The grade the student will receive if the work is not completed by the agreed-upon time

Revision of Grades

Change an Incomplete or a Deferred Grade from a Previous Semester

  • Changes to replace an I or a DG are to be done on the online grade submission site. (The website now allows changes for classes taught within the last 20 years.)

Incomplete Extension Instructions

If an extension is needed, your dean should send an email to stating approval of the extension no later than the deadline date (last day of semester). The request must include the following information:

  • Student name
  • Student ID
  • Class acronym and number
  • Year and semester taken  

The extension date will be updated to the end of the following semester, unless specified by the dean.

Correction of a Grade Due to Instructor Error

  • Alterations to the official grade records are allowed only for instructor error, and not because additional work was completed since the grade was assigned.
  • These errors are reported on the Official Grade Change Form and must be signed by the instructor and the dean. A written statement must be included on this form.
  • The Official Grade Change Form is available at the Office of Academic Records or through your dean’s office.

Time Frame for Letter Grade Changes

  • Grade changes may be made only in the semester following.
  • In extenuating circumstances, a change may be made up to two semesters following the course, but require the dean’s signature.
  • For a course at an off-campus location, the grade change must occur within three terms following.

Authorized Faculty

  • Only when authorized by the faculty member of record, may the grade change be completed by another faculty. (example: email permission)