2023-2024 Faculty Senate

The Andrews University Faculty Senate is the legislative body of the University responsible for creating and implementing policy regarding the academic life of the University.  The Senate is responsible for speaking and acting for the General Faculty on academic and faculty-related matters, and faculty concerns and interests. 

All issues that are directed to the Senate are considered first by the Senate Officers, who then either act directly when possible, dialogue with University administrators through the shared governance process, or bring the issue before the full Faculty Senate. Please submit items for discussion by contacting any Senator from your School or Division or one of the Senate Executive Officers. 

College of Arts and Sciences Humanities Division

Sonia Badenas Sonia Badenas badenas@andrews.edu
Kylene Cave Kylene Cave kylene@andrews.edu
Vanessa Corredera Vanessa Corredera
Communication Officer
Max Keller Max Keller maxk@andrews.edu

College of Arts and Sciences Social Sciences Division

Stefanie Elkins-Bates Stefanie Elkins-Bates selkins@andrews.edu
Stacie Hatfield Stacie Hatfield stacie@andrews.edu
Lloyd Hamilton Lloyd Hamilton hamiltol@andrews.edu
Zorislav Plantak Zorislav Plantak zplantak@andrews.edu

College of Arts and Sciences STEM Division

Anthony Bosman Anthony Bosman
Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske gonzalezd@andrews.edu
Jay Johnson Jay Johnson jrj@andrews.edu
David Nowack David Nowack nowack@andrews.edu

College of Education and International Services

Michelle Bacchiocchi Michelle Bacchiocchi Michelle Bacchiocchi michellb@andrews.edu
Eriks Galenieks Eriks Galenieks
School of Distance Education
Adjunct Faculty Representative
Bordes Henry-Saturné Bordes Henry-Saturné bordes@andrews.edu
Nadine Isaac-Dennis Nadine Isaac-Dennis nadinei@andrews.edu
Janine Lim Janine Lim
Executive Secretary

College of Health and Human Services

Grace Chi Grace Chi
Brynja Davis Brynja Davis brynja@andrews.edu
Mark Moreno Mark Moreno mmoreno@andrews.edu
Ryan Orrison Ryan Orrison ryanorrison@andrews.edu
Karen Reiner Karen Reiner reinerk@andrews.edu

College of Professions

Betty Gibson Betty Gibson bgibson@andrews.edu
Ben Maguad Ben Maguad maguad@andrews.edu
Lucile Sabas Lucile Sabas sabas@andrews.edu

SDA Theological Seminary

Anna Galeniece Anna Galeniece galeniec@andrews.edu
Roy Gaton Roy Gaton royg@andrews.edu
Kenley Hall Kenley Hall
S. Joseph Kidder S. Joseph Kidder kiddersj@andrews.edu
Boubaker Sanou Boubakar Sanou sanou@andrews.edu