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How many glasses of water do you drink each day?
Plants have to drink a lot of water to stay plump and healthy. Monstera deliciosa, the swiss cheese plant, is one of many plants here in this room that send out aerial roots. In the case of this plant, they are searching for sources of water and nutrients. Many other aerial roots have other functions—can you find them?
The screw pine sends out supporting aerial roots.
Orchids get much of their moisture from aerial roots that absorb water from the air.
The bird’s nest anthurium uses aerial roots to cling to the surfaces of other plants.
How did you score on this resolution in the past year? Recommended daily water intake by age: children 9-13: 7-8 cups, children 14-18: 8-11 cups, men 19 years and older: 13 cups (104 oz), women 19 years and older: 9 cups (72 oz)
1 point – I drink my daily water intake 1-2 times per week
2 points – I drink my daily water intake 3-4 times per week
3 points – I drink my daily water intake 5+ times per week