Biology Department

We are committed to helping our students become capable scientists and professionals.

Department of Biology
Price Hall 216
4280 Administration Dr.
(269) 471-3243

Our Programs

We offer a BS in Biology with the following three concentration options:

  • Biological Sciences
  • Medical Science
  • Neuroscience

The graduate program in biology equips students to pursue a career in biology or to advance to additional training in science or professional programs

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News & Announcements

  • 2022-04-07
    Meier Hall Bench Press Competition

    Receive residence hall co-curricular credit for signing up and participating in the Meier Hall Bench Press Competition on Sunday, April 10, at 3 p.m. in the Meier Hall lobby. lobby. This… Read More »

Research Opportunities

  • Zebra Fish
  • Cancer Biology Lab


  • Summer 2020 - Cancer Research Institute
  • Creation Institute


  • Cuba
  • Everglades & Florida Keys




Angela Sonnenburg Administrative Assistant Email Schedule an Appointment


Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske Associate Professor Email Schedule an Appointment
Tom Goodwin Professor Email Schedule an Appointment
Shandelle Henson Professor Email Schedule an Appointment
Peter Lyons Associate Professor Email Schedule an Appointment
David Mbungu Associate Professor Email Schedule an Appointment
Marlene Murray Professor Email Schedule an Appointment
Benjamin Navia Professor Email Schedule an Appointment
Denise Smith Instructor Email Schedule an Appointment
Brian Wong Professor Email Schedule an Appointment
Robert Zdor Professor, Department Chair Email Schedule an Appointment
Cheryl Trine Adjunct Professor Email Schedule an Appointment
Gordon Atkins Adjunct Professor Email Schedule an Appointment

Emeritus Faculty

Dennis Woodland Professor Emeritus Email Schedule an Appointment
John Stout Research Professor Emeritus Email Schedule an Appointment
David Steen Professor Emeritus Email Schedule an Appointment
James Hayward Research Professor Emeritus Email Schedule an Appointment
Bill Chobotar Professor Emeritus Email Schedule an Appointment

Career Roadmaps


These are suggestions on how to best use your time and talents as you work toward a goal. Of course, there are many possible careers open to you with a background in biology. This is just a sample of how you might best prepare for some of these careers.


Emphasis. Any emphasis will do, although many premed students feel particularly well prepared by the biomedical emphasis.

Courses to take. Many, although not all, of the courses listed below are included in the biology/biotechnology curricula. They are listed here to emphasize that they are required/recommended for premed.

Introduction to Medicine: 1 credit
Foundations of Biology
General Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
General Physics
Internship. Job shadowing is considered important prior to application to medical school.

Extracurricular. Demonstrated interest in service to humanity/mission work is relevant to a medical career. Documented development in the AAMC personal competencies. Significant preparation for the MCAT.


Emphasis. Any emphasis will do, although many premed students feel particularly well prepared by the biomedical emphasis

Courses to take. Many, although not all, of the courses listed below are included in the biology/biotechnology curricula. They are listed here to emphasize that they are required/recommended for predent.

Dental Aptitude (BIOL 405): 1 credit
Foundations of Biology
General Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
General Physics
Small Business Management
Internship. Job shadowing is considered important prior to application to dental school. Most dental schools require documentation of 50+ hours of shadowing dentists before admission to their programs.

Extracurricular. Manual dexterity is a useful skill in the field of dentistry. Significant preparation for the DAT


Emphasis. BS Biology, emphasis in Biological Sciences

Courses to take.

A methods course such as Intro to Geographic Information Systems or Mathematical Modeling in Biology
Multiple field-type courses including botany
Learn a foreign language, and take courses in sociology or anthropology
Internship. Summer Internship or Field Research