Organizational Leadership Concentration

2014 Cohort - Courses and Schedule 
2014 Cohort Brochure (pdf)
2017 Cohort - Courses and Schedule

Submit an Application

Application deadline for the 2014 cohort is November 22, 2013

Prompted by the promise of Christ's soon return, the Doctor of Ministry program at Andrews University is designed to develop spiritually mature and responsible professionals in ministry for worldwide church leadership. This concentration prepares church organizational leaders such as presidents, vice-presidents for administration, ministerial and other directors for excellence in their service.


The Doctor of Ministry Organizational Leadership concentration seeks to develop the person, knowledge, and practice of its participants. Following are outcomes that are important to evaluate. These outcomes guide the curriculum and should be reflected in the individual participant's Ministry Development Plan.

Being: The graduate will be engaged in a learning process aimed at enhancing personal spirituality, enriching the personal life, and improving professional relationships through an expanding awareness of what God has called them to be.

  1. Spiritual maturity
  2. Living by the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-26)
  3. Enrichment of personal and family life
  4. Greater commitment to ministry
  5. A biblical perspective of evangelism, mission, and ministry
  6. Positive collegial relationships
  7. A global view of society and ministry

Knowing: The graduate will be expected to exhibit an advanced understanding of sound theological and theoretical foundations that support Christian leadership and how those foundations contribute to responsible ministry for the worldwide church.

  1. Exceptional theoretical knowledge of leadership
  2. An understanding of a biblical theology of leadership
  3. An understanding of organizational culture and systems thinking

Doing: The graduate will model Christ-like ministry and demonstrate the ability to effectively contribute to the mission of the church by wise and competent application of leadership theology and theory to practical and innovative solutions for ministry challenges.

Learning Modalities

The following learning modalities will be included in the concentration's andragogy:

  1. A ministry development plan reflecting the participant's current situation, personal vision statement, action plan, and helping/hindering forces
  2. A context support group to provide feedback and assessment
  3. Significant current literature in leadership themes
  4. Journaling to encourage reflective and critical thinking
  5. Learning groups to foster relational learning and encourage improved personal relationships
  6. Mentoring from a field professional
  7. Classroom consultation: including didactic and experiential learning, and networking with top educators and experts in the field of leadership
  8. Research: including perusal of current literature, theological reflection, assigned readings, case studies, and field research in their ministry context
  9. Praxis: including implementation of leadership interventions in the context of ministry
  10. Project: including theological reflection, field research, and intervention involving a specific challenge in their ministering context


Dr. Skip Bell serves as coordinator for the Organizational Leadership concentration. He can be reached at

Travel and lodging information is provided in the links under the "Intensive Location" column.

Cohorts are identified by the year in which they formed. Cohort participants will take these courses and modules: 

2014 Organizational Leadership Cohort
Syllabi and schedule for the cohort that begins in 2014:
(Follow the linked titles to obtain the syllabi)
Course # Course Name Instructor Intensive Dates Intensive Location
CHMN747 Christian Leadership (4 cr)
Daily Schedule for intensive
Skip Bell January 21-31, 2014 SE California Conference Office
GSEM790 DMin Project Seminar
Daily Schedule for intensive
David Penno February 2-10, 2014 SE California Conference Office
GSEM706 Spiritual & Theological Foundations for Ministry (8 cr) Allan Walshe April 5-16, 2015 Andrews University
CHMN760 Advanced Leadership Competencies (5 cr) Skip Bell January 18-28, 2016 SE California Conference Office
GSEM796 DMin Project (3 cr)   spring 2016  
CHMN780 Leading and Managing the Church Organization (5 cr) Stan Patterson January 23-February 2, 2017 Andrews University
GSEM796 DMin Project ( 3 cr)   spring 2017  

Ordering books

2017 Organizational Leadership Cohort

Syllabi and schedule for the cohort that begins in 2017:
(Follow the linked titles to obtain the syllabi)

Course # Course Name Instructor Intensive Dates Intensive Location
CHMN747 Christian Leadership (4 cr) Skip Bell February 6-15, 2017 Altamonte Springs/
Florida Conference Office
GSEM790 DMin Project Seminar (4 cr) Bill Knott and/or David Penno February 16-22, 2017 Altamonte Springs/
Florida Conference Office
GSEM706 Spiritual & Theological Foundations for Ministry (8 cr)
(Field Research Symposium April 17-18, David Penno) 
Allan Walshe April 17-May 3, 2018 Andrews University
  Implementation Symposium David Penno December 11, 2018
1:00-5:00 pm EST
virtual meeting via Zoom
CHMN760 Advanced Leadership Competencies (5 cr) Skip Bell January 15-24, 2019 Altamonte Springs/
Florida Conference Office
GSEM796 DMin Project (3 cr)   spring 2019  
CHMN780 Leading and Managing the Church Organization (5 cr) Stan Patterson January 13-23, 2020 Andrews University
GSEM796 DMin Project (3 cr)   spring 2020  

Ordering books

For dates and locations of intensives planned for cohorts in other concentrations, see the master program schedule: DMin Program Planner.

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