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Research Poster Preparation Suggestions:

The foam core poster boards have arrived at the Honors office and are now available for you to pick up to begin preparations for the March 7, 2008 (1–3 p.m.) Honors Poster Session.

Dr. Atkins has graciously agreed to be available one week prior to the poster session, on February 28, to print your poster slide on the large-format printer in the Department of Biology. Should you wish to take advantage of this offer, please see further details below. You will need to make an appointment directly with Dr. Atkins to print on that day.

Typical Research posters include:

  1. Title
  2. University affiliation
  3. Student name
  4. Faculty mentor
  5. Abstract
  6. Methodology
  7. Results/Data
  8. Conclusions
  9. Bibliography

Tips for making the poster:

  1. Remember the poster should look professional
  2. Should be readable
  3. Should not be overly flashy

Using Microsoft PowerPoint to create your poster:

  1. Go to File: Page Setup
    1. Set your dimensions to a size that fits the maximum size of the supplied poster board: 30 inches (height) by 40 inches (width).
  2. To create different subsections on your slide, choose a layout design or you can make your own tables/sections.
  3. Pick up your poster board at the Honors Office and mount printed slide.

Printing Instructions (Please read carefully and note deadlines)

  1. To print poster, call Lithotech to arrange to do so (appriximate cost $35).
  2. To print poster more economically, email Gordon Atkins ( to arrange a time to print using the large-format printer in the biology department. Dr. Atkins has kindly agreed to dedicate a day to assisting Honors students in printing their posters. He will be available to print posters on February 28 from 9 a.m.–12 p.m. and from 2–4 p.m. Please email him in advance to set a specific 20-minute appointment time. You will need to bring your powerpoint slide saved on a flash drive. The cost is $3 per foot for a total of $9 (payable by cash or check). Biology students, please arrange with your faculty mentor to print on a different day to avoid a printing bottleneck on February 28. Many Thanks to Dr. Atkins for this generous service!