College of Professions
Chan Shun Hall
4185 E. Campus Circle Dr.
(269) 471-3632

Upcoming Events


Flight - The Flight department has procured two brand new Piper Archers, with Garmin 1000's. They are custom painted to look like our Piper Arrow (blue, yellow, red) and have custom registration numbers. The first Archer arrived in June and the second arrived in September. We look forward to having them as they will add a fresh look to the department. 

Maintenance - The Maintenance department acquired a Mitsubishi MU2 that was donated so that we can work on the Turbo-Props. Over the summer of 2013 we also got a brand new hydraulic hangar door assembled on the Airframe Hangar.

Department Assemblies

Every other Tuesday during the school year from 11:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m. we have a departmental assembly. These events are mainly for faculty and students to talk about safety. We would love to have our alumni come and present during this time about their time here at Andrews and the career paths they chose! As we all know Aviation is a networking business, so come home and meet your new brothers and sisters.

Contact us to find out the date and time of our next assembly.