Adventure Semester

Study | Travel | Explore

College of Professions
Chan Shun Hall
4185 E. Campus Circle Dr.
(269) 471-3632

Welcome to adventure!

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Study while have a blast backpacking, canoeing,  and traveling to exoctic locations around the world! Yes, take your regular 16 credits while trekking to Everest Basecamp!  


Travel to exotic locations around the world from hiking the great Apalachian Trail, canoeing the Boundery Waters, having a chai at the highest cafe's in the world in Lukla while not missing a beat in your studies. 


Explore nature's wonderous beauty and be in the midst of splendor.  Or emerse yourself into another culture experiencing it unfiltered. Whether your are decending into the Grand Canyon or watching the sunset in Varanasi you are not losing academic time!  

Avoid the Michigan snow while taking your general requirements in El Nido, Philippines!



For a complete list of applicable courses and schedule. 



Check out this years dream locations!  This is one of a lifetime experience! 



Prices, tuition, and fees, the complete package.



What are you waiting for?

Study... Travel... Explore...