INFS235 Business Programming
College of Professions
Chan Shun Hall
4185 E. Campus Circle Dr.
(269) 471-3632

Start building your online business empire...

Learn step by step how to setup an online business apply the latest tools such as Shopify, WooCommerce, WordPress, Stripe, PayPal, Google Trends, Facebook, Dropshipping, Aliexpress, Etsy, Print-on-demand, and Instagram!  Yes, we will walk you through from buying a domain or starting a Shopify store, integrating Social Media tools, and selecting the right infrastructure to support your online business model.

This is a practical class where you will sit down in front of a computer and start your online business while in class!

The practical approach

Build your online business while your in class! 

Bring your ideas! Build your ideas! And launch your ideas!

What you will learn...

The right infrastructure

Based on your business model, we will help you select the right web-based infrastructure to increase conversions.

Understand the beast

We will dabble with e-commerce mega-engines such as WordPress and Shopify to help you understand the mechanics behind the beast.

Market trends

We will teach you how to use the tools to understand market trends for actionable descission making. 

Leveraging Social Media

Learn to use Facebook and Instagram to effectively create your brand, target your market, create powerful target specific ads, and understand performance metrics. 

Tool integration

Learn to integrate, test, and deploy the latest tools of e-commerce i.e. WooCommerce, PayPal, Stripe, Shopify, Aliexpress, and more.

Build and deploy

Learn to build your website with money earning potential from start to deployment!

What are you waiting for?

Register NOW!

Times and requirements?

Class will be meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:30pm - 4:50pm. 

All prerequisites will be waived!  But since we will be working on your business you will need to make at least a $150-$250 dollar investment.  Bring your ideas! Build your ideas! And launch your ideas!