Enrollment Tips   |  

While enrolling into Andrews University's Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) service is easy (How to Enroll in Two-Factor Authentication), here are a few tips that will help to ensure a successful enrollment:

  • Recommended Device: Smartphone
    While 2FA is designed to work with multiple device types, a smartphone is the recommended device. The smartphone is always with you (as opposed to having something extra to carry with you), provides the greatest level of security, and permits you to use the Duo Mobile app. The app  can send push notifications and generates passcodes to allow for easy, one-tap authentication.
  • Test Devices
    To test devices, log out of the web-based service and then return to it. After successfully entering your username and password, you will be prompted to authenticate with a registered device. If the authentication is successful, then your enrollment has been completed properly for that device. Repeat the test authentication for each enrolled device.
  • Complete Enrollment
    Complete this proess from a computer. Once you begin the enrollment process, make certain that you follow it through until completion. If you have only partially completed the enrollment, then it’s possible that a 2FA-protected service (such as Vault) will ask for your authentication but the device will not be registered. If that’s your only device, then you would be unable to successfully authenticate when prompted. Contact the ITS Helpdesk for assistance.
  • Register at Least Two Devices
    It is recommended to have two devices registered in 2FA to prevent difficulty authenticating if there is a problem with your first device. For instance, if you have both your smartphone and tablet, you can still authenticate from your tablet if you accidentally leave your smartphone at home or if your phone needs to be charged.
  • Not All Windows Platforms are Supported by 2FA
    Certain Windows platforms are not supported by Duo Mobile, so they will not work for 2FA. Specifically, those with a full Windows operating system are not supported. Those with a mobile operating system, such as Windows Phone or Windows Mobile, are supported (and will work for 2FA). If your Windows platform on your device does not have an app store and is not supported, then there are a number of other device options available to enroll.

For more tips and answers to common questions, visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.


If you need assistance enrolling in 2FA or managing devices, contact the ITS Helpdesk at 269-471-6016 or email helpdesk@andrews.edu.


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