Online Degree Design

Global Campus provide support for design and review of online programs and degrees, including degrees with a mix of online and face to face, and degrees with blended courses. 

Online Degree Approvals

New online degree programs are approved by (in order):

  • Department
  • School Curriculum Committee
  • Program Development and Review Committee
  • Undergrad Council or Graduate Council
  • Distance Learning and Technology Committee

If an on campus program will be delivered online without curriculum changes, the only approval required is from the Distance Learning and Technology Committee.

Online Degree Planning

Before approval of the Distance Learning and Technology Committee, degree planners should meet with the Dean and Associate Dean of the School of Distance education to review the online delivery plans: 

  • Intended audience with evidence for the need for this online degree
  • Intended audience and online delivery characteristics (scheduling, synchronous vs. asynchronous, class sizes, cohort vs open, etc.
  • Faculty who will teach online and plans for their professional development and support
  • Student services required and provided, including planning for orientations, registration, communication, advising
  • Exam proctoring and verification of online student identity
  • Resources available in the department for delivering the degree and other resources needed for delivering the degree

To initiate this support, please contact Dr. Janine Lim, Associate Dean for Online Higher Education,

Online Degree Program Resources