Theodore Brown, PhD
Prof. of Management & Leadership, Chair of Business & Information Systems at Oakwood University
Dr. Theodore Brown Sr.
Dr. Theodore Brown Sr. is a graduate of Oakwood University (B.S. Business Administration/Theology), Amberton University (MBAs in General Business and Management) and Andrews University (PhD Leadership/Emphasis in Financial Management). At Oakwood University, Brown has received continuous appointment as a Professor of Management and Leadership, and currently serves as the Chair of the Department of Business and Information Systems in the School of Business. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Leadership in the School of Education at Andrews University, and served as an Adjunct Professor of Management at Brookhaven College.
Dr. Brown has taught numerous traditional and online courses in leadership and management. His degree is applied to the research study of the roles, responsibilities and relationships of Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) in the context of leadership and management in non-profit religious organizations. Dr. Brown’s professional career includes 20+ years in academia, and over 34 years of service in the areas of auditing, accounting, trust services, chief financial officer (CFO)/treasurer, and pastoral ministry for the Southwest Region Conference, Lake Region Conference and South Central Conference. During his 14 year tenure as CFO/Treasurer, Brown achieved, by God’s grace, unprecedented success in accounting and strategic financial leadership.