Duane Covrig

Duane Covrig

Duane Covrig

Title: Professor of Leadership and Ethics
Office Location: Bell Hall 173A
E-mail: covrig@andrews.edu
Phone: (269) 471-3475
Professional Homepage


PhD, University of California, Riverside, 1999
MA, Loma Linda University, 1992
BA, Weimar College, 1986


Dr. Covrig, a native Californian, has taught at universities in California and in the Midwest. He teaches in both leadership and administration as well as religion and ethics. He has published on ethics and organizational research.

Current Research or Professional Activities

Dr. Covrig is currently researching Adventist views of Atonement and Judgment to develop a new view of Christian Ethics. He is working on a web site for Adventist ethicists, www.adventistethics.com and continues to write on educational leadership and moral leadership.