Leadership Competencies
The doctoral leadership programs requires theoretical knowledge and practical application in the following core competencies:
1. Leadership and the Self: This cluster of competencies focuses on the self awareness and the personal and professional identity required when practicing leadership.
Philosophical foundations – Leadership functions within the context of multiple perspectives and understands how their own worldview influences their practice.
Ethics, values, and spirituality – Leadership functions from a set of principles and standards that guides their work and all their relationships with others.
Learning and human development – Leadership is committed to and practices continuous personal, interpersonal, group, and organizational learning.
2. Leadership with Others: This cluster of competencies focuses on the interpersonal aspects of leadership. Growth and development of others is an essential function of leadership.
Effective communication – Leadership fosters effective communication in all internal and external interactions, to establish and maintain cooperative
Mentor/coach – Leadership promotes relationships that are trust-centered,
providing the kind of empowerment that results in personal and performance
improvement toward satisfying mutual objectives.
Social responsibility – Leadership is accountable to others and endeavors to see that family, community, and environmental needs are met in local and, as appropriate, in global ways.
3. Leadership through Organizations: This cluster of competencies focuses on the organizational aspects of leadership. Leadership sets direction in ways that facilitate achievement of organizational goals.
Resource development, human and financial – Leadership appropriately allocates and manages human and financial resources for healthy and strategic
Legal and policy issues – Leadership applies and understands the scope of a
legal and policy structure appropriate for their field.
Organizational behavior, development, and culture – Leadership understands
personal, group, and inter-group behaviors, and how they impact organizational
history, needs, and goals.
Implementing change – Leadership involves working with others in order to
collaboratively shape the vision and strategy for change, as well as being capable of facilitating the change process.
Evaluation and assessment – Leadership uses appropriate evaluation and
assessment tools to make decisions about programs and plans.

4. Leadership and Research: This cluster of competencies focuses on the need to use data to communicate, persuade, and make decisions, and to contribute to the knowledge base for leadership. Competence in research needs to include both qualitative and quantitative methods. Research skills are often necessary while engaging in organizational development, assessment and evaluation, and other leadership projects.
Reading and evaluating research – Leadership critiques the adequacy of research reports, conducts literature reviews using electronic sources, and relates research to the body of knowledge in their professional field.
Conducting research – Leadership understands the logic and processes of scientific inquiry, explains major research methodologies, formulates empirically-driven research problems, selects appropriate research designs, explains standards for data collection, and conducts basic data collection and analysis.
Reporting and implementing research – Leadership adequately communicates research findings and implements the findings in the workplace.
5. Individually Chosen Options: One required. Additional options may be chosen, if needed.