2009 Passion Play Comments
A sampling of notes sent by viewers of the 2009 Passion Play on the campus of Andrews University.
Thank you for allowing us to live this experience. - EM
Hope to be in the Heavenly Kingdom when Jesus comes.
This touched my heart bringing me closer to our Christ Lord! - MU
Thank you! My heart is grateful.
This is one of those things in life I will NEVER forget. It was amazing. Heart-touching! I was moved to tears through, especially the crucifixion. May God continue to bless this ministry.
May you continue your good works in blessing our community. - JR
Amazing! Thank you for the wonderful production. I had goose bumps and moved by [the] music and how the actors/actresses were moved by [thier] individual roles. - RS
Each time I have come I have been blessed. I am so thankful for the message of Redemption that God has revealed [to us]. May we never loose site of our "Savior" - AB
This was such a blessing! God is coming soon. thank you for the wonderful reminder that we need to have passion for God. - CJ, DJ, CJ
Thank you for all you do. For all your faith and for keeping the Spirit of Jesus with us till His return. - JD
Every part of the play was a part that made me closer to Jesus. It was truly a blessing. I needed this in my walk with God. Thank you for all the hard work to make this moment count for thousands. - E
Jesus is risen! Hallelujah!!
It touched my heart! Thank you Jesus for this wonderful gift you have given us.
God truly is coming very soon. I was very moved and uplifted as you have given me a very wonderful memory to cherish for the rest of my life. - LM
Thank you for the images to refer to others to see. The play was an outstanding performance. It was more than a performance, though... it was as if you were actually there experiencing what you have read and agonized and rejoiced about from others viewpoints in the Bible, firsthand. I can say that I felt like I walked with Jesus and can truly be called one of his diciples. There were tears, but the joy and hope that was expressed as he left the tomb, bidding others to tell the Good News that He is risen. Today as I shared inspirational books, some about the passion of the Messiah, I can honestly say in a special and new way, I felt that I was being obedient to the last commission that Jesus gave. - G
Thank you for a wonderful, inspiring production. As a cast member, I really enjoyed being part of this ministry! I am looking forward to next year already.