Philosophy of Remuneration

YOUR WAGES 4:3-100

  1. Objectives - The Seventh-day Adventist Church has accepted the commission given by Jesus Christ to His disciples to proclaim the gospel to all the world. The church employs many agencies to accomplish its spiritual task, but all of its organizations (conferences, schools, health care institutions, food factories, publishing houses, radio and television ministries, Adventist Book Centers, etc.) have one central objective - the salvation of humanity. Because of this, every denominational employee has a responsibility to participate in the mission of the church.
  2. Philosophy - To provide a basis for the remuneration of various classifications of employees, a denominational remuneration scale has been adopted. The philosophy of this remuneration scale is predicated upon the fact that a spirit of sacrifice and dedication should mark God's workers irrespective of the position they hold or of the department they represent. The work of the church, including every denominational organization, is a mission to which lives are dedicated rather than a business or commercial venture. The church remuneration scale does not always compensate its dedicated employees in monetary units commensurate with their talents, accomplishments and contributions, but does provide employees with a modest living income, which gives recognition of responsibilities borne, preparation undertaken, professional attainment, previous experience and years of service. In addition to basic remuneration, the church has also made provision for various types of fringe benefits.
  3. Spirit of Sacrifice - The church believes that modesty and good taste with reasonable comfort will govern the lives of Christian workers. It recognizes that some areas of its work are more directly affected by economic factors outside of the church organization than are others, and by local economic conditions prevailing in different geographical areas. The spirit of sacrifice on the part of Adventist employees will be manifest not only by the level of their financial remuneration, but also by the dedication of time, talents and energy to the cause of God and humanity. Men and women called to labor in the cause of the Adventist Church are to be workers of single purpose and allegiance. With Paul, the great missionary of the early Christian Church, they say, "This one thing I do."
  4. Commitment - The Church's philosophy of remuneration was developed on the scriptural and spiritual imperative, "Give us this day our daily bread." It is a plan which provides a salary covering the needs of individuals who believe that God blesses the spirit of selfless service and who believe that the Seventh-day Adventist Church has a worldwide mission. This philosophy, from its inception, has anticipated that, in addition to the contribution of time and talent, Seventh-day Adventist employees will also, from their modest remuneration, return a faithful tithe and make voluntary gifts to accelerate the proclamation of the gospel, and thus exhibit a further demonstration of faith and commitment. Because of this philosophy, all denominational employees in the Seventh day Adventist Church are regarded as church workers and are called to commitment and sacrifice.
  5. Non-Discrimination -When considered in the light of the previous principles, the remuneration scale of the University reflects the spirit of non-discrimination, and equal pay, as well as being in conformity with the teachings and beliefs of the church.


It is the goal of Andrews University to employ and retain the most qualified personnel in harmony with its priorities of hiring as stated under the section entitled Hiring and Selection. The University has endeavored to establish a wage and salary system that will be consistent with this goal.

Every non-student hour time position in the University has been assigned a wage range determined by an analysis of the responsibilities, knowledge, judgment, working conditions of the job, and several other factors. Each wage range is structured with a minimum and maximum rate, and all employee rates of pay will be within the range for each job.

The University is primarily concerned with equity in rates of pay relative to jobs at Andrews University. However, in order to be equitable the University endeavors to be aware of community rates and rates of other comparable institutions.


  1. Specifications - A remuneration scale based on such considerations as education, experience, and responsibility, provides minimums and maximums expressed in percentages of the remuneration factor. It incorporates basic income rates for various categories of services, with recognition of the responsibility inherent in each position or category.
  2. Categories - A spread between minimum and maximum rates in the various categories from fifteen to forty percent has been incorporated in the remuneration scale. In setting rates within this spread, Human Resources may take into consideration the following factors in setting rates within the spread with respect to each employee:
  1. Education and training
  2. Previous experience and achievement
  3. Skills and abilities
  4. Years of service


This policy supersedes the PhD Reimbursement policy. However, any PhD Reimbursement contracts signed and entered into before this policy was adopted will be honored, including those who received this commitment upon their hire prior to this new policy. Any exceptions would be approved by the Executive Council.

As a way to attract and offer new hires an addition to the commissary compensation, a Sign-on Bonus may be provided for all new academic hires, Vice Presidents/Deans, Associate and Assistant Vice Presidents and Controller. The maximum amount of the Sign-on Bonus is $20,000 paid out over the following payment schedule:

  1. First pay day upon hire:  25%
  2. First pay day in July of Year 2:  12.5%
  3. First pay day in July of Year 3:  12.5%
  4. First pay day in July of Year 4:  50%

If employment ends prior to the end of the payment schedule, subsequent scheduled payments beyond the employment end date will be forfeited.

New hires are not eligible for the Sign-on Bonus if they have already received a PhD reimbursement or previous Sign-on Bonus from Andrews University


All employees will participate in annual performance reviews. New hourly employees of Andrews University will be evaluated at the end of a 90-day period. Benefits will be activated if the 90-day evaluation meets job expectations. Performance evaluation reports are filed with employee records in HR.


An employee may receive a remuneration increment if the maximum for the remuneration category has not been reached. Increases are set by the administration and are also based in part on performance evaluations. Annual increases are implemented in July.


There is no cost of living percentage increase.


Overtime pay is computed for hours actually worked by non-exempt employees over forty hours in one week. The rate over time pay is 1.5 times the normal hourly wage. Any overtime worked must have advance approval by your supervisor. Overtime pay is required by law only on time actually worked (exclusive of sick time, vacations, holidays, etc.).

In no situation are you to work without reporting the time, even if the time is in excess of 40 hours in one week. Working "off the clock" (ie., working without reporting the time) is not legal and must not be done.

PAY DAYS 4:3-135

Employees are paid on a biweekly basis every other Friday. The payroll check is for the two-week period ending on the Saturday prior to the Friday that the check is issued.

A schedule of paydays and payroll periods are posted at the HR website.


Paychecks normally include the following items (wherever applicable):

a Salary or hourly wages a Applicable taxes
b Special Adjustments b Health insurance, accidental death insurance, voluntary donations, tax sheltered annuities, etc.
c Other forms of compensation c Other deductions



Federal and state laws require the withholding of income tax as well as Social Security and Medicare (FICA) tax. All deductions, including personal deductions are listed on the paycheck stub. Voluntary deductions to employee account, church, or University contributions are subject to authorization by you.

Any questions regarding deductions should be directed to the payroll office.

Any changes in the tax exemptions you claim, or employee status, must be made through the payroll office.


Direct deposit is the automatic deposit of your paycheck into the financial institution of your choice. Your paycheck is your earnings (less deductions) which may be applied to your checking, savings, or loan accounts according to your arrangements with the financial institution.

Once you have established an account at the financial institution, please complete the online direct deposit authorization.

Employees are strongly encouraged to have direct deposit set up for their paycheck to avoid missing checks and the inconvenience of manually depositing the paycheck in person.

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