Prayers and Support for Campus Family and World

   Campus Announcements | Posted on September 22, 2017

This email message from President Luxton was shared campus-wide on Friday, Sept. 22.

Dear Campus Family,

As we know only too well, during the last two weeks hurricanes have rampaged through the Caribbean and parts of the southern U.S., including Puerto Rico, and a devastating earthquake has rocked Mexico. Houses have been flattened, property destroyed and far too many lives lost. All of us on this campus have been saddened by this constant barrage of bad news, but to some these events have been particularly poignant, for these places are not just names on a map, but they are home. The losses have been very personal. Some have still not made contact with all their families and friends.

During these last two weeks our Student Life team has diligently tried to personally seek out individuals who have been directly impacted by these events. While care has been taken to try and reach everyone, some may still have been missed. If you know of someone who has not received this connection please continue to utilize this link to share directly with us your concerns about loved ones or members of our community who are facing these situations. We want to ensure that all of our community receives the support they need from the Student Life team, our chaplains and each other at this difficult time.

The gift of the Sabbath will soon be with us: a time of worship, but also a time for community. I do hope that this Sabbath we will take particular advantage of the opportunity to reach out to those impacted by the natural disasters of the last two weeks. Let us take time to listen, to pray, to share our care and compassion for each other. 

For those who wish to join us, there will be a special time of prayer during this evening’s Proximity Vespers at 7:30 in the Pioneer Memorial Church Sanctuary.

Have a truly blessed Sabbath.

Andrea Luxton
