Gift Card Email Scam

   Campus Announcements | Posted on February 21, 2019

Recently there have been many scams going around through email requesting gift card purchases. Each of these come from an invalid email address that includes the name of an Andrews University administrator. The first contact is a request to see if you are available. When a reply is sent, the scammer gives out more information, eventually asking for gift cards to be purchased. They then direct the individual to scratch the coating off the cards to reveal the codes and to send a picture to the scammer. Once the pictures of the codes are sent, the funds will be spent by the scammer and cannot be recovered.

We would strongly encourage you to NOT make purchases of gift cards when directed by emails. Clues to help you detect these scammers include use of invalid email addresses, incorrect spelling or grammar or unusual requests. Please consider checking with the person whose name is in the message (via the phone or their actual Andrews email address) or with ITS if you are uncertain of the authenticity of an email.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the ITS Helpdesk at or 269-471-6016.

Lorena Bidwell
Chief Information Officer
Information Technology Services
