"Except by Prayer & Fasting" Group

   Classifieds: Miscellaneous | Posted on March 31, 2022

Join us Sunday, April 3 for much needed prayer and also for praise of previously answered prayer. We meet virtually on 1st Sundays at 2:30 pm, EST via telephone or online Zoom. Choose the way and day for your weekly prayer and fasting in accordance to the Holy Spirit’s leading and your personal health provider guidelines. You may decide on full, fruit, fluid, fresh food fasts or media, digital, idle talk or excessive-telephone-use fasts. You may target a character-building focus such as fasting from negative mindset, self-talk or surmising. There is a fast that fits varying levels of capabilities yet each allowing for clearer spiritual communication as the end goal. Register via PMC GROW Groups or email/text directly. Consider daily prayers, weekly fasts and monthly meetings. 

   Margaret Michel
   (269) 252-6181