Did God Create Viruses?

   Campus Announcements
   Sat, February 24, 2024 @ 03:30 pm - 05:00 pm
    Chan Shun Hall, Garber Auditorium

Michiana Adventist Forum and the Andrews University Department of Biology are sponsoring a talk by James Hayward, PhD, professor emeritus of biology. The talk is entitled “Did God Create Viruses?” The COVID-19 pandemic brought viruses front and center to the stage of human consciousness. Yet a great deal of misunderstanding remains about these biological entities. What are viruses? Are they alive? How were they discovered? How diverse are they? How do they reproduce and how are they transmitted? In what ways do they impact human society? Are some viruses “good”? Did God create viruses? These are some of the questions that will be addressed in this presentation.

Sponsors: Michiana Adventist Forum and AU Department of Biology

   Jim Hayward