Urgent Appeal to Protect the Congolese Bany

   Agenda Submission | Posted on April 2, 2024

Dear Members of the International Community,

As we commemorate the tragic events of the Rwandan Genocide on April 7, 1994, it is imperative to reflect on the profound failure of the international community to prevent the massacre of over 100,000 innocent Tutsi civilians. The genocide stands as a stark reminder of the dire consequences of inaction and indifference in the face of mass atrocities.

Today, as we witness the escalating violence and targeted killings against the Congolese Banyarwa tribe in the Democratic Republic of Congo, we are compelled to issue an urgent appeal to the international community. Just as the world stood idly by during the Rwandan Genocide, we cannot afford to repeat the same mistakes in the Congo.

The plight of the Banyarwa tribe is a harrowing testament to the ongoing atrocities and human rights abuses perpetrated in the region. Despite numerous reports and research documenting the systematic violence against the Banyarwa people, including killings, rapes, and forced displacement, the international community has remained largely silent.

According to recent research conducted by humanitarian organizations and human rights groups, the killings of Congolese speaking Kinyarwanda, particularly the Banyarwa tribe, have reached alarming levels. Data from the United Nations and other reputable sources reveal a staggering death toll, with thousands of innocent lives lost due to targeted attacks and ethnic violence.

In the spirit of remembrance and accountability, we must heed the lessons of history and take decisive action to protect the vulnerable populations at risk of genocide and ethnic cleansing. The international community must send a clear message of solidarity and support to the survivors of genocide, ensuring that justice is served and perpetrators are held accountable for their heinous crimes.

During Kwibuka 2024, as we commemorate the victims of the Rwandan Genocide and honor their memory, let us also reaffirm our commitment to preventing such atrocities from occurring ever again. It is incumbent upon each and every member of the international community to speak out against injustice and oppression, and to take concrete steps to protect the lives and dignity of all people, regardless of their ethnicity, religion, or nationality.

We cannot afford to wait for another genocide to unfold before our eyes. The time for action is now. We urge the international community to mobilize collective efforts to stop the killings in Congo and to ensure the safety and security of the Congolese Banyarwa tribe.

As Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor and Nobel laureate, once said, "We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."

Let us stand together in solidarity and compassion, and let our voices be heard in defense of human rights and dignity.

Jean Nibigira


  1. 1. United Nations. (2024). Report on the Situation of Human Rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  2. 2. Human Rights Watch. (2024). "Targeted Killings and Ethnic Violence: The Plight of the Banyarwa Tribe in the Democratic Republic of Congo."
  3. 3. Amnesty International. (2024). "Crisis in the Congo: Documenting Atrocities Against the Banyarwa Tribe."
  4. 4. International Crisis Group. (2024). "Ethnic Violence and Mass Atrocities in the Democratic Republic of Congo: A Call for International Action."
  5. 5. Research data from local NGOs and humanitarian organizations operating in the Congo region.

Sponsors: NIBIGIRA Ijwi ry'Umurundi

   Jean Nibigira


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