Camp STAR: Volunteers Needed

   Classifieds: For Sale - Miscellaneous | Posted on May 9, 2024

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Camp STAR is looking for volunteers! This is a 3-night bereavement camp for kids and teens, aged 8–17, that have experienced the death of a significant person in their life. It takes place at Bay Cliff Health Camp in Marquette, MI. With this camp being Thursday–Sunday, with lodging and food provided, we encourage volunteers from the Upper Peninsula and lower Michigan to join us for the weekend! Dates are Thursday, Aug. 8–Sunday, Aug. 11. The 8th is a full day of training for volunteers. Kids and teens arrive on Aug. 9.

Each child (camper) is paired with a volunteer buddy for one-on-one support and companionship throughout the weekend. Each camper and buddy are part of a small group of other campers and buddies lead by volunteer leaders and co-leaders. All volunteers are trained and supported by trained professionals and volunteers throughout the weekend.

Volunteer positions available:
25 Buddies
10+ Leaders and co-leaders
Activities assistants
2 Nurses

Please post in your volunteer centers or provide to students that may be interested.

Visit our site for more information.

Volunteer information and application here.

   STAR Children's Bereavement Services