Geoff Schneider

Title:  Adjunct Faculty
Courses Taught:  Evidenced Based Orthopedic Clinical Practice


Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, University of Waterloo
Bachelor of Health Science in Physiotherapy - McMaster University
Doctor of Science in Physiotherapy, Andrews University
PhD in Medical Sciences, University of Calgary


Clinical Specialist in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
Certified Gunn IMS Practitioner
Fellow Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy (FCAMPT)


Geoff is a clinical specialist in musculoskeletal physiotherapy and a consultant at Evidence Sport and Spinal and LifeMark Health. Following completion of his Bachelor of Health Science in Physiotherapy from McMaster University, Geoff completed his Fellowship in Manual and Manipulative Therapy (FCAMPT) in 2002.  He also became certified in Gunn IMS in the same year. Geoff completed his doctoral studies (DSc) from Andrews University.  His research involved cervical spine facet joint mediated pain and its effect on sensory hypersensitivity in chronic whiplash patients.  He has presented at many conferences and clinical rounds, and has taught post-graduate courses across Canada and the United States.  He is a co-developer and instructor of a modular based, evidence-based course that manages whiplash associated disorders.  Geoff has a strong interest in clinical epidemiology, in particular diagnostic accuracy in cervical spine disorders.  He received a PhD in Medical Sciences with a focus on Clinical Epidemiology, at the University of Calgary in the Faculty of Medicine in 2013. Geoff was awarded a CIHR doctoral research award Canada Graduate Scholarship. 

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