44: the inauguration

   Tue, January 20, 2009 @ 11:00 am - 12:50 pm
    Howard Performing Arts Center

Be a part of Andrews University's observance of the historic inauguration of the 44th president of the United States of America- the honorable Barack Obama.  The event features special remarks from Dr. Andreasen, AU president, and Dr. Knight, provost, a dramatic presentation by "the 44 group" and a live viewing of the ceremony in Washington, D.C.  Students will receive chapel/forum credit for attendance, so please get there on time. Students are encouraged to post reflections and be a part of history on our special blog at www.andrews.edu/go/44

Sponsors: Office of the Provost, Division of Student Life, Martin Luther King Jr. Committee, AUSA, GSA

   Paul M. Buckley