Yuri Drumi

Yuri Drumi

Yuri Drumi

Title: President, Zaoksky Adventist University
E-mail: yuridrumi@yahoo.com


Andrews University


Most of his professional life Dr. Yuri N. Drumi has been serving the church in the setting of Zaoksky Adventist University. After receiving his PhD from Andrews University in 2008, Dr. Drumi has been coordinating the Master and DMin Andrews University programs on the campus of ZAU. With missiology in his academic background, he sees his mission in bridging the gospel of Jesus Christ and contemporary Russian culture - through publications, lectures, sermons, and personal witnessing. He is married to Natalia and they have three children.

Current Research or Professional Activities

Dr. Drumi serves as an adjunct professor for the Doctor of Ministry program for cohorts that meet at the campus of Zaoksky Adventist University.