New Faculty/Staff/Administrative Appointments
New employees, changes in rank and more
Campus News
| Posted on March 7, 2019

President Andrea Luxton provides an overview of what occurred during the March board weekend meetings at the board briefing in Newbold Auditorium on Tuesday, March 5.
On Tuesday, March 5, 2019, the Andrews University Board of Trustees voted the following faculty/staff/administrative appointments.
New Hires: Staff
- Kelly Gabriel, assistant director, Convention & Guest Services
- Rob Gettys, athletic director/intramurals, Athletics
Position Changes: Staff
- Lori Adler, dispatch lieutenant, Campus Safety
- Laura Carroll, data analyst, Institutional Effectiveness
- Wendy Keough, associate director of undergraduate admissions, Marketing & Enrollment Management
- Kristine Knutson, associate director, Student Success
- Renato Mejia, marketing & enrollment specialist, Graduate Enrollment
- Justin Neu, manager, Andreasen Center for Wellness
- Gillian Panigot, media communications manager & FOCUS editor, University Communication
- Jillian Panigot, director of University admissions, Marketing & Enrollment Management
- Elizabeth Santiago, transfer/dual enrollment/enrollment counselor, Marketing & Enrollment Management
- Darla Smothers, director, Student Success
- Pat Spangler, director/associate editor of FOCUS, University Communication
New Hires: Faculty
- Zorislav Plantak, systems librarian/instructor, James White Library
- Abner Hernandez, assistant professor of Adventist studies, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary (effective 08/01/19)
- Jerome Skinner, assistant professor of Old Testament exegesis and theology, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary (effective 07/01/19)
Proposed Promotion-in-Rank & Other Appointments: Faculty
- Ora (Skip) Bell, professor of leadership, emeritus, Department of Christian Ministry, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary (effective 05/01/19)
- Teresa Reeve, associate dean, Seminary (100 percent appointment), Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary