Growing and Multiplying Churches


2021 Cohort - Courses and Schedule

Learning Modalities
The Cohort Experience
Module Descriptions
Contact the Coordinator

Submit an Application

The next opportunity to enter the program for a Leading for Growth concentration will be in 2025.


The Doctor of Ministry program at Andrews University is designed to develop spiritually transformed, effective, and responsible professional leaders in ministry for worldwide church leadership.  The Growing and Multiplying concentration aims to develop ministry professionals to lead effective outreach, comprehensive spiritual renewal, reproducible models, and integral growth, in light of the Bible's message for the last days of earth's history. 

Learning Modalities
  1. A ministry development plan -- Careful reflection of the participant's current situation leading to the Ministry Development Plan for personal and professional development and ministry action steps.
  2. Context Support Group -- The collective interchange of ideas, challenges and experiences that provide feedback and assessment through the doctoral journey.
  3. Learning groups including collective assingments, consultations, and accountability. 
  4. Classroom consultation: including didactic and experienctial learning, field trips, and networking with top educators, experts, and practitioners in the field of ministry. 
  5. Journaling 
  6. Research including perusal of the current literature, assigned readings, and studies.
  7. Praxis including implementation of ministry in the context of one's ministry context.
  8. Coaching & Mentoring
  9. A Professional Dissertation including theological reflection, literature review, field research, and intervention involving a specific challenge coming form a communication perspective. 
The Cohort Experience

The program is delivered in the cohort model, wherein participants proceed through the sequence of courses together. Study and learning are year-round, with pre-intensive, during-intensive, and post-intensive activities and experiences. Pre-intensive assignment preparation can begin as early as six months prior to an intensive. There are four annual teaching sessions presented by ministry professionals. During the program you will participate in regional work groups, follow a ministry development plan, read and reflect on the best literature in your concentration area, and develop and evaluate a professional project within the context of your own congregational or other leadership responsibilities.

Cohorts are identified by the year in which they formed. For example, if you are a member of a cohort that formed in 2021, during the five-six years you expect to be in the program, the title of your group will be "the 2021 Growing and Multiplying Churches Cohort."

Module Descriptions

CHMN 890 - Directed Readings in Church Ministry 

CHMN 885 - Topics: Disciple-Making and Evangelization in the 21st Century

Credits: 1 and 3

Starting with the biblical record, this course traces disciple-making and evangelism through the transcultural aspects of the gospel with implications for today's post-Christian, ethnically diverse, and multifaith context.  Students will be challenged to contextualize their discipling and evangelization practices through exposure to a wide variety of contemporary examples and case studies.


MSSN795 - Topics in DIscipleship and Worldview Transformation
Credits: 4
A course that explores the interaction of context, methodology, attitude, and approach in fostering a biblically-based Christian worldview.  Deiscipling strategies and missionary methods responsive to cultural, religious, and socio-historical contexts will be studied and applications developed for specific groups

GSEM706 - Spiritual and Theological Foundations for Ministry
Credits: 4
This module builds the spiritual and theological foundation from which the practice of mission and ministry grows and seeks to lead the participant into a self-reflection and examination of life and belief. 


GSEM790 - DMin Professional Dissertation Seminar
Credits: 2
Forming the professional dissertation proposal and issues related to completing the dissertation successfully.  Areas of focus include academic writing, literature review, critical thinking, experiential learning, reading and evaluating research reports, an effective work plan for completion of the dissertation, and other dissertation-related topics. 


CHMNXXX - Building Systems and Leading Movements
Credits: 4
This course compares and contrasts systems thinking and movement thining in the context of the formation, growth, and sending of the church.  Viewed through an equipping leadership lense, diverse tools and approaches including strategic formation, mentoring and coaching, and spiritually-discened disruption, enable students to develop their own integrative approach to systems and movements. 


GSEM793 - DMin Research Methods Seminar 
Credits: 2
Forming the action plan for successfully implementing and evaluating the DMin project.  Areas of focus include action research, research design and methods, descriptive statistics, methods of evaluating the project, IRB approval, and other project-related topics.


CHMN742 - Church Multiplication 
Credits: 5
This course explores the historical paradigms and contemporary practices around church planting.  Through exposure to a variety of leadership models, sponsoring church strategies, stages of development, and diverse case studies, it positions students to synthesize and implement their own Spirit-led plans for multiplication. 


The coordinator for this concentration is Dr. Anthony WagenerSmith.  Contact him at


Travel and lodging information is provided in the links under the "Intensive Location" column.
Cohorts are identified by the year in which they formed. Cohort participants will take these courses and modules:

2021 Cohort

Course requirements and schedule for the cohort formed in 2021:
Online registration must be completed before course start date. The course registration number (CRN--in parentheses) is the number that registers the course.
Follow the linked course names to obtain the course syllabi.

Course # Course Name Instructor Intensive Dates Intensive Locations

CHMN 890

CHMN 885

890Directed Readings in Church Ministry (1 cr)
Topics: Disciple-Making and Evangelization in the 21st Century (3 cr)
Daily schedule for intensive
Anthony WagenerSmith April 12-20, 2021 Andrews University
MSSN 795 Topics in Discipleship and Worldview Transformation (4 cr)
Daily schedule for intensive
Kleber Gonçalves April 21-29, 2021 Andrews University
GSEM 706 Spiritual & Theological Foundations for Ministry (4 cr)
Daily schedule for intensive
Hyveth Williams March 21-29, 2022 Andrews University

GSEM 790

GSEM 796

DMin Professional Dissertation Seminar (2cr)

DMin Professional Dissertation (2cr) 

David Penno March 30-April 5, 2022 Virtual meeting
via Zoom

Building Systems and Leading Movements (4 cr)

TBD March 13-21, 2023 Orlando, FL

GSEM 793

GSEM 796

DMin Research Seminar (2cr)

DMin Professional Dissertation (2cr)

  March 22-28, 2023 Orlando, FL
CHMN 742 Church Multiplication (5 cr) Anthony WagenerSmith April 8-18, 2024 TBD
GSEM 796 DMin Professional Dissertation (3cr) David Penno   TBD

The Doctor of Ministry reduced residency (for intensive venues other than the Andrews University campus) is offered as an approved exception to Association of Theological Schools Degree Program Standard B, section E.3.1.1.

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