PWPLABL—Employee Work Addresses

A Banner Admin process, PWPLABL will produce an Excel file with name, work address, and work phone for all employees. If you have both NIDA and Banner Admin access, and are unable to access this report, please submit a HelpDesk ticket under Human Resources to request access. If you do not have Banner Admin access, you must complete an Administrative Account Request Form, found here.

PWPLABL has 8 parameters. Not all are required, depending on your knowledge and required output. The result will be an Excel file that will be available in JobSub Output.

Parameter 1—Specify Employee ECLS codes?

Input: Y/N

Will require input for parameter 5

If you’ve input Y, leave parameters 2-4 blank

We understand that much of campus doesn’t have a working knowledge of the Employee Classification (ECLS) codes used by HR. If you do understand these codes, you are welcome to limit your search by them in a later parameter; just enter Y. Otherwise, just leave the defaulted N. 

Parameter 2—Include Student Employees?

Input: Y/N

Enter only if you’ve input N for parameter 1

Can be used in combination with parameters 3 and 4

If you choose Y, you will receive student employees and their work address on the list. Please keep in mind that students will not be reminded to update their work addresses and these will have limited value. We generally recommend that you input an N.

Parameter 3—Include Contract Employees?

Input: Y/N

Enter only if you’ve input N for parameter 1

Can be used in combination with parameters 2 and 4

If you choose Y, you will receive information for salaried and faculty contract employees. Please keep in mind that contract employees will not be reminded to update their work addresses and these will have limited value. Please note that inclusion of student contract employees are controlled by your entry for parameter 2, not parameter 3. We generally recommend that you input an N.

Parameter 4—Include Temporary Employees?

Input: Y/N

Enter only if you’ve input N for parameter 1

Can be used in combination with parameters 2 and 3

If you choose Y, you will receive information for temporary employees. Temporary employees will be reminded to update their work addresses, so we have no recommendation on whether or not you choose to include them. 

Parameter 5—Specify ECLS codes to include

Input: any ECLS code, wildcards are okay

Enter only if you’ve input Y for parameter 1

You must delete if you’ve input N for parameter 1

Can enter multiples by inserting new lines with a parameter number of 5

If you chose Y for parameter 1, you must make an entry for parameter 5

If you are familiar with the ECLS codes used by HR, you are welcome to more specifically limit your search. However, if you entered an N for parameter 1, you MUST delete this parameter. Select parameter 5, then select Record/Remove from the menu or hit Shift-F6.

Parameter 6—Gender?

Input: M/F/%

Can be used in combination with all other parameters

If you wish to limit your search by gender, you can enter an M or a F. If you wish to include all genders, leave the defaulted %.

Parameter 7—Sort Order

Input: N/Z

Can be used in combination with all other parameters

Chose N to sort by Name (last name, first name, middle name), or Z to sort by Zip (zip, last name, first name, middle name). The sort orders mentioned will apply, even though the name field has the full name.

Parameter 8—Output Destination

Input: F/P

Can be used in combination with all other parameters

The P option will print on the label print at ITS. We are putting this process in your hands so that you can receive a file and do your own mail merge and formatting. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you leave the defaulted F to have the output be an Excel file that is emailed to directly to you