2018/2019 Benefits Information

Open Enrollment

Wellness Program

Town Hall Meetings

  • Presentation slides
  • Eight (similar) meetings available -- attend ONE
  • All meeting location will be at the Howard Performing Arts Center (HPAC)
  • Instructions for registering (note: you may still attend a meeting even if you do not register and if you have registered and need to reschedule, cancel the original registration first before selecting a new time)
    1. Register by clicking HERE
    2. Click on the blue “Sign In” on the upper right hand corner
    3. Sign in using your Andrews username and password (may need to authenticate)
    4. Click on the “2018 Town Hall Meetings” event title
    5. Click “Register” button for the meeting date and time of your choice (only ONE)
    6. Click “Register” on the pop-up window to confirm registration
    7. Add the meeting to your calendar by clicking the “Add to Calendar” button
Day Date AM Meeting PM Meeting
Wednesday March 7 10:00 2:00
Thursday March 15 11:30 3:30
Tuesday March 20 10:00 2:00
Thursday March 29 11:30 3:30

Health Plans 2018/2019 


2018 Open Enrollment

Open enrollment is the employee's annual opportunity to elect and/or make changes to certain benefits for the new plan year, effective July 1, 2018. Please review the open enrollment information provided below. 

April 1–17

To make open enrollment changes, you may self-enroll by logging in with your Andrews username and password to the online benefit management system (bswift).

You may review relevant documents under the library or the right hand panel before you begin your enrollment.

  • To begin enrollment, click "Start your Enrollment"
  • Be sure to make a selection on each benefit before proceeding to the next
  • Your wellness reward, if requirements were met in February and March, will be displayed as a credit under the health plan selection
  • Review your beneficiaries and your benefit elections
  • Click on “Complete Enrollment” and be sure to have an electronic record of your elections saved by selecting to email your confirmation statement
  • You may return and make changes as often as necessary until the end of open enrollment on April 17 (email your confirmation statement each time)

Please remember:

  • Flexible Spending Account (FSA) elections do not passively roll into the new benefit year (per IRS regulations)
  • You must re-enroll in the flex spending accounts every year
  • FSA changes effective July 1, 2018, must be made during open enrollment through bswift

Do you need help?
A step-by-step self-enrollment guide is available for you. Should you need direct assistance, benefits enrollment assistants will be available to help you through the open enrollment process:

  • Enrollment assistants will be available only on April 12 (Administration Building)
  • Appointments must be made by April 6 and are very limited—first come, first served
  • Sign up by calling 269-471-3570

Questions? Please send an email to benefits@andrews.edu for assistance.

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2018 Wellness Program for Health Premium Reward

To receive the full wellness reward on health premiums effective July 1, 2018, all benefit eligible employees must complete the following two requirements:

  1. Complete a wellness assessment on the FitThumb e-wellness platform in February


  1. Attend a town hall meeting in March


FEBRUARY – Wellness Assessment: Free chair massage!
The brief two-part personal wellness assessment on FitThumb will be available for completion only in the month of February, starting Monday, Feb. 5. The first 5 responders of the assessment on each of the Mondays in February will receive a free 20-minute chair massage certificate. Watch your email for notification. Completing this assessment is required to earn your health premium reward.

MARCH – Town Hall: Fitness items giveaways!
There will be eight similar town hall sessions available over four dates in March. At each meeting there will be opportunities to receive fitness item giveaways, courtesy of University Health & Wellness. Attending a town hall session is required to earn your health premium reward.

Wednesday, March 7 (10am, 2pm)
Thursday, March 15 (11:30am, 3:30pm)
Tuesday, March 20 (10am, 2pm)
Thursday, March 29 (11:30am, 3:30pm)   

All meeting location will be at the Howard Performing Arts Center (HPAC). Please bring your ID card as we will be scanning them for attendance.  Non-employee spouses are welcome to attend, but not required for the reward.

Questions? Please send an email to benefits@andrews.edu for assistance.

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