Karl Bailey

Karl Bailey

Karl Bailey

Title: Research Scientist
Director, Center for Data Analysis and Consulting

Office Location: Buller Hall 219
E-mail: kgbailey@andrews.edu
Phone: (269) 471-3577
Professional Homepage
Academia.edu profile
ResearchGate.net profile


  • Ph.D. Cognitive Psychology, Michigan State University (2004)
  • M.A. Psychology, Michigan State University (2002)
  • B.Sc. Psychology & Biology, Andrews University (1999)


Karl Bailey is a Professor of Psychology in the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Andrews University. Trained as an interdisciplinary cognitive scientist, he works on a wide range of projects: religiosity and well-being, folk conceptions of human nature, critical thinking in the college classroom, and the intersection of language and vision. He has helped to lead a multiple-wave global study of Seventh-day Adventist church members since 2016.

Current Research or Professional Activities

Primary Research Interests

Psycholinguistics; Comprehension of disfluent spontaneous speech; Misinterpretation effects; Language and the Visual world; Visual attention as a measure of complex human cognition.

List of IPA Presentations & Publications 

Google Scholar list of publications & citations