Graduate Research

Graduate students account for approximately one-third of the entire student body at Andrews University.

They are involved in a variety of research projects both independently and in cooperation with Andrews faculty members. The products of their research can be found on the Dissertation and Thesis Database. A complete bibliography of theses and dissertations completed at a Seventh-day Adventist university (1935-2012) is available for download here.


Recipients of Andrews University Grants-in-Aid-of-Research (GAR). Andrews offers graduate students the opportunity to apply for a Grant-in-Aid-of-Research of up to $1000 to help defray their research expenses (travel for research and other research expenses). 


Awards, External Grants and Fellowships

Students have received a variety of awards and fellowships including the Outstanding Dissertation Award, American Schools of Oriental Research Platt Excavation Fellowship, and Biblical Archaeology Society Scholarship.


Presentations and Publications

Students have presented at conferences such as American Schools of Oriental Research, Society for Neuroscience, and Michigan College English Association Conference. Additionally, they publish research in outlets sponsored by Andrews University and the wider academic community.