Our primary responsibility is to ensure the safety of campus through proactive measures such as public education and facility security, as well as respond to incidents, both criminal and non-criminal. In an effort to maintain and improve the safety of our campus, we take a multifaceted approach to the services we offer.
Most campus buildings and facilities are accessible to members of the campus community, guests and visitors during normal business hours. Campus Safety officers open and close buildings according to the schedule specified by each building manager. Building managers or department heads are responsible to submit building opening/closing schedules through our online Building Management System.
The Office of Campus Safety will provide escorted access to facilities after normal business hours for the purpose of retrieving personal property. Unescorted access after normal business hours will be provided with the approval of the building manager.
Campus roadways and parking lots are accessible through all campus entrances during the day. Vehicle access to the campus at night is only available through the gatehouse located on J.N. Andrews Blvd. All other entrances are then closed by traffic gates. At the time, all vehicles entering or leaving through the gatehouse are required to provide a valid form of ID, either through an AUID card (which will open the gates upon being scanned) or through a driver's license, provided to the gatehouse operator. The Office of Campus Safety may deny access to the campus for risk mitigation or other safety related concerns.
Traffic gates are closed from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. Sunday - Friday and are closed from 12 a.m. Saturday night to 5 a.m. Sunday morning.
All vehicles operated on campus must be registered with the Office of Campus Safety. Vehicle registration requires the vehicle user to provide a valid driver’s license, current proof of insurance, and current vehicle registration for the vehicle being registered More information on registering your vehicle can be found on the Parking Registration page.
Bicycle registration is also required. To register your bicycle, bring your bike to the Campus Safety office during business hours.
Our Patrol Division conducts security patrols of the campus, whether driving through parking lots, walking through buildings, or patrolling campus recreational areas. Our Dispatch Division actively monitors the security camera system which covers roadways, parking lots, building exteriors and interiors.
Officers will provide night escort service to any University student or employee who does not feel safe in reaching their on-campus destination after dark. This service is only available for Andrews University students or employees and is only from one campus destination to another.
This escort service is not available on a continuous, long-term basis, but is available until a better means of personal safety for the individual has been established. Students should consider traveling in groups of two or more when at all possible after dark.
Officers are available to unlock your car or give you a jumpstart when on campus. If you need this service at any time, call Campus Safety and an officer will meet you as soon as possible.
Andrews University has tasked the Office of Campus Safety with the enforcement of the University's vehicle policies. Enforcement is conducted through campus patrols, review of security footage, and use of speed monitoring devices. Violations will be documented and may either be placed on the vehicle (when applicable) or delivered via a University email account. Records are kept for review by the Citation Appeals Committee. For more information on vehicle usage requirements, please see the University's Vehicle Use Policy.
The Office of Campus Safety is responsible for conducting inspections of University controlled property. Inspections are conducted in accordance with regulations adopted by the University, township, state and federal government (such as NFPA, Life Safety, MIOSHA and EPA). Items out of compliance are reported to the area supervisor.
Monetary rewards may be offered for information leading to the identification of persons responsible for specific crimes committed on campus. All information taken is confidential; you do not have to give your name. Call in your tip to 269-471-3321 and you will be given a tip number with which you may claim a reward if applicable.