Mission: Invent

STEM Division
Nethery Hall 135
4141 Administration Dr
(269) 471-3872



Innovation and entrepreneurship are essential skills in the world today. Learn more about our work to train students to be critical thinkers and problem solvers!

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Videos, printable workbooks, vocabulary terms, activities and assessments designed for teachers by grade level.



Mission: Invent

Everything You Need to Know

Join K–12 Seventh-day Adventist student inventors from across North America.

WHAT: Work with your classmates to build solutions to real-world problems using the engineering design process. Participate in an invention fair at your school, similar to a traditional science fair. Winners from each class/school will be invited to showcase their work at Mission: Invent.

WHY: Equip students to become critical thinkers, problem-solvers, innovators, inventors and entrepreneurs.

WHEN: TBD - stay tuned for updates

WHERE: TBD - stay tuned for updates

Photo Gallery

K–12 Teacher Training

Sunday, October 22, 2023 at 3 PM (EDT)  or
Thursday, October 26 @ 7 PM (EDT)
Remote by Zoom
Cost: $30 (individual teachers), $40 (homeschool parent)

Description: Live interactive training for K–12 educators who are interested in implementing basic engineering and inventing into their classroom. Teachers will be introduced to the Engineering Design Process through an example problem. Be prepared to contribute to your group, share your ideas, and take notes. By the end of the two-hour training session, the participants will be prepared to implement basic engineering and inventing in their classroom.

If you would like us to train your entire school or conference, please contact Monica Nudd, monica.nudd@gmail.com.



Partners & Sponsors

We are grateful to our partners at AdventHealth University, Burman University, Central California Conference, La Sierra University, Loma Linda University, Pacific Union College, Southern Adventist University, Southwestern Adventist University, Walla Walla University and Washington Adventist University for starting this new venture with us.

Thank you to our financial sponsors: Loma Linda University (EXCEED), Walla Walla University, Versacare Foundation, Southern Adventist University, and the Southern Union Conference (Adventist Edge)

As a nonprofit organization, we rely on the support of partners and sponsors to provide this educational event. Your support allows us to promote innovation and entrepreneurship education for students across the North American Division. Together, we can unlock the unlimited potential of students and ignite the spirit of American innovation and entrepreneurship.

If your company or organization would like to partner with us, please contact Monica Nudd at monica.nudd@gmail.com.

Get Involved!

Whether you are a teacher, administrator, student, parent or business professional, there are many ways for you to get involved.


We would love to hear from you! Tell us who you are and ask us anything.

Send us an Email


If you are interested in scheduling training for your teachers, let us know.

Train Your Teachers


You can make a difference in the lives of students across North America! Support us financially.



Contribute products (T-shirts), time (volunteer), connections (help us find partners), spread the word, etc.

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