GC Children's Ministry Leadership Cert.

   Sun, July 8, 2012 @ 06:00 pm - Fri, July 13 @ - 11:30 am
    Seminary Hall - S115

July 8-13, 2012

The workshop sessions will be presented by Jackie Bishop, curriculum writer and children's ministry trainer who has led out in children's ministry at both the Loma Linda University Church and the Rocky Mountain Conference. 

The week-long intensive can be taken for academic credit by registering for DSRE648 Workshop: Children's Ministry Certification. However, it may also be attended for a nominal fee but no credit.

For additional details and to arrange to attend the workshop for a fee, contact Teresa Best in the Department of Discipleship & Religious Education at best@andrews.edu or 269-471-6186.

Sponsors: Department of Discipleship & Religious Education

   Teresa Best